Chapter Four: The Night Falls

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Continuing their mission for the sake of Levy, they all gathered around Himu-sensei and where desperately waiting for their parts.....well most of the girls at least...


"So what's are characters Himu-sensei?" I asked.
"Well,.." Himu cleared his troat, "let's see..." He took out a piece of paper and started reading out loud.

"Erza Scarlet:..."

"YES?!????" Erzas eyes sparkled.

"Is tree number 1"

Erza froze for a moment and I sweat-dropped....suddenly she jumped out of it; "MY PRIDE OF BEING A TREE!!! I shall do my very best then!!!!" She glistened with pride.

I sighed and waited for Himu-sensei to continue speaking.

"Tree number 2 is....Gray Fullbuster"

"Ok then......." Gray calmly said.

"What is wrong with YOU GRAY!!!!?!?!?? You NEED TO BE PROUD of YOURSELF!!!" Erza said giving her signature death-stare.

"A-aye sir...." Gray sweat-dropped.

A few minuets later, the played rolls were listed:

"Do I always have to be the princess all the time" I sweat-dropped.

"It's because of your looks it's very appealing to me" Himu pointed out
I sweat-dropped even more, "are you sayin that to be a perv or to compliment me....?"

"Could ya all quite blabberin and listen what's my part?!?!?!" Natsu said annoyed.

"Ah yes...." Himu started reading. "Romeo!.., you're Romeo!.."

"Since when did you get the part to be such a gentlemen?!!!" Gray said pointing at natsu..

"I didn't even auditioned ice-bucket, it was just chosen randomly.."

"What did you call be flame-brain?!?!?!!!!"


"They're at it again...." I sweat-dropped,..and so did everyone else except erza....

Yes,....erza was once again mad....
I sighed and went under a tree behind the show stage. It was a Sakura tree and I was just reading the script and suddenly Levy walked up to me.

"Oi lu-chan!" Levy had the script on her hand.

"Oi! Levy-San!"

"Your studying your lines for Juliet?.."

"Yep" I sighed " it has been a long day...

" sure is..,...hey, it still is weird that Natsu is Romeo.."

"'s so ironic that he's named after his little follower.." I smiled.

"What do you mean by 'follower'..?"

"Because Romeo's idol is Natsu, they have been sharing an amazing friendship....and how Romeo reminds me of Natsu after the 7 Year gap..."

"Your is pretty ironic" Levy smiled while sitting next to me. "You now,..I just realized something"

"Eh?..and what's that?"

"Hehe...." She giggled "Your Juliet and Natsu is Romeo"



"Hehe" I giggled.
I saw lu-chan had an embarrassed blush on her face.

"Just because that happened! Dosnt mean me and N-Natsu are...." She paused.

"Are?..." I giggled with gossip.

"Levy-chan...." She said pouting and argent but mostly embarrassed.

"Hehe I'm just jokin with ya!" I patted her. "You sure are adorable when you pout! Hehe"
I got up. "Hope you study your lines!" I left and continued talking to the rest of the cast,...but then paused and looked back at lu-chan.

"Thanks again.." I smiled. "For helping me!!" I continued on running to them.


I sighed after she thanked me.

"It's good to help your comrades...because it's like keeping your life alive..." I thought.

A few hours of studying lines,..we all were laying on the grass of the garden of Himu-sensei.

I sighed and I gazed up at the stars.

"Oi! Lushee! I could see some of the zodiac stars connecting!!!" Happy said.

"Hmm....but the segitararius dude looks a bit different..." Natsu thought idiotically.

I sweat-dropped, "well, your connecting the stars wrong....., and its SAGITTARIUS!!"

"Yea yea whatever."

Typical Natsu.

"I can't wait for the show!!!" Erzas eyes sparkled.

"Hold your horses erza we still have 4 days left!" Wendy told erza.
"Child, shouldn't you be reading your lines?" Carla suggested.

"Don't worry Carla, I already memorized using Levy-sans Magic speed-reading glasses."

"Your lucky to have short lines Wendy" I said.

"It's ok! I want to be Juliet! You're actually the lucky one Lucy!" Wendy complemented me.

"Hehe short lines for a short person." Happy joked.

We all laughed except for Carla.
"She'll grow up to be a beautiful women!" Carla said confidently.

"I-I think y-you're beautiful Carla" Happy blushed.

"Hehe you lllliiiiikkkkee her!" I teased.

"No!! Your using my kind against me!!!" Happy cried out.

We all laughed our night away staring at the stars.

It's good to stay with your comrades,...your nakama because they're the most important thing in your life.....

"Oi Luce!"

"Hm?" I said snapping out of spacing out in the stars.

"You ok?..your staring and it's creeping me out.." The dragon slayer interrupted the moment.

I sweat-dropped, "look who's talking....."

"Hehe I'm just joking"

I sighed then looked at the stars.

"Then again...." Natsu interrupted again.


"You looked pretty cute!" He smiled.

I felt a light blush enter my's been a while since a guy had ever said something do sweat to me....

I smiled back.

Everyone where still gazing at the stars.


What I said I mean it. I actually thought she was cute....which is unusual....and the weird part was that I felt something heat on my face...was it body heat or my magic..
"Meh, I don't know and I don't care" I thought, then shrugged it off.


Some of us were still talking or staring at the stars. I see that mr. I-think-she's-creepy-when-she-stares-at-the-stars, is still starring at the stars...

I sighed....later on, that was when the stars glisten while the night falls...
((Minna! Gomenasai!!! For not updated so fast -.- I was really busy these days...well I hope you liked it ^_^))

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