Chapter Three: Morning Rehersals

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2 Hours has past and the team finally got out of the train,....and of course Natsu was the first one to get out.
"YATTA!! I told you all I could survive!" Natsu yelled. "Then quit screaming like a little idiot!!" Gray argued.
"You wanna peace of me ice-bucket?!" Natsu and Gray had a meaningless fight along the way...well until Erza and the team reached the theater..

"You two!" Erza pounded their heads. "QUIT FIGHTING AND DONT RUIN THIS FOR ME!!" Erza said with a death stare.

"A-aye sir...."


I'm not surprised Natsu and Gray are always fighting -.- ...Anyway, once we reach the theater, the commander was a short little man. He was wearing a brown-yellowish tuxedo and some glasses. ((I just made this person up he's not in the series XD))

"Hello, are you people from Fairy Tail?" Asked the man.
"Hai" I said. "We're here to do the job you had posted on our guild request board", I handed him the paper.

"Come, right this way"

We all walk to the mans lounge room and discussed about the job request.

"Basically you have to save my show,...and by save...I mean perform it" said the man.
Erza's eyes sparkled, "I will do my best!"
We all sweat-dropped.

"What is this show about?" Wendy asked.

"I don't care as long as I perform!" Erza said proudly.

"Jeez....I wanted a job of fighting" Natsu whined. Erza got mad at home and he just said his usual response; "A-aye sir...."

Levy didn't really care what job she got, all she cared was for the money she needed......for the look of it....

"The show is....." The man finally said, "Romeo and Juliet!"

I loved the story about Romeo and Juliet, it has been my favorite fairy tale book...aside from Beauty and the Beast...which was my all time favorite.

We got to the dressing room and unpacked our things.

"Morning rehearsals will start tomorrow!" The man said barging in then left.

"Wait! We never knew your name!" I said stopping him to leave.

"It's Himu"
We all slept in a bed or couch.
I slept on a couch which tells me this man is actually poor.

I woke up and looked for the man.

"Ohayo" Himu said.


"Your the only one awake?.."


A few minutes later, everyone woke up.


"Morning rehearsals are starting at 4:00!" I said proudly to everyone as I checked to clock. It was 2:30.

"Hmm...." Wendy mumbled

"What's wrong Wendy?"

"It's just that these costumes....are AMAZING!!"

"I know right!" Wendy's eyes sparkled and so did mine.


I sweat-dropped on what they were so hooked up about....but the boys were just eating breakfast like there was no tomorrow.

"EAT PROPERLY!" Erza said slamming Gray and Natsus heads.
I sighed and went up to Levy and Wendy who were talking to each other.

"Ohayo! Levy, how are you liking the job?"

"It's awesome! And this mansion is huge!"

"Remember we have to work hard! So I will try my best!" Wendy said proudly.

I pat her head and headed to Natsu and Gray.

"Hey! Don't eat everything! I need to eat too!" I then sat down and started eating bacons and eggs.
An hour has past and I was just starring at the script we got a few minuets ago.

"Man....I wish I was Juliet" I thought.

"Oi! Luce!" I saw a salmon-haired dragon slayer walked by.

"Hey....where's Happy?"

"He's just pleading Carla to accept some fish" he chuckled.


I smiled at Luce and she smiled back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just reading the script"

"Aw c'mon go have some fun outside!" I said taking away her script.

"H-hey!" She said trying to get her script back.

I couldn't help but not getting her mad, so I just gave it back to her.

" and everyone else are practicing the script outside...we're not staying inside everyday!" I said as I smiled and grabbed her hand.


He grabbed my hand and he ran me outside.
"Hey! Natsu slow down!" I pulled my hand away. "I'm good just studying the script here...."


I ignored her and grabbed her hand more tightly.

"Jeez stop bein' a party pooper!" I said looking back at her.

When we reached the door outside, we tripped.......she went on top of me...




I gazed into his onyx eyes, and he gazed into my hazel eyes. My script was on the grass. We just stared at each other for a few minutes...I don't know why....

Few seconds later my face turned bright pink. I quickly got up and said, "Y-you need to be more careful N-Natsu..." I took my script from the ground.

"S-sorry Luce..." He said smiling and touching the back of his neck. I saw his checks that were bright pink.


Once I saw what Lu-chan and Natsu-San did I gasped," l-lu-chan?!.."
Everyone turned to them.

"Oi! Save the romance for the show flame brain" Gray teased.

"You wanna fight me ice-bucket?!?!" Natsu growled.

Later on, everyone just continued studying, talking, or eating.
Everybody stood silent once Himu-sensei came outside.

He was holding the list of cast members.
((Well?.....yep..Nalu everyone *claps* anyway I hope this was a longer chapter for ya'll! Until next time!XDDD))

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