Chapter Two

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(The pic in this chapter is from my own camera roll)

The platform was full of people saying goodbye to their families.

I couldn't help but get a lump in my stomach when I saw mothers and fathers hugging their children goodbye.

I came to think of my first time on the Hogwarts Express. Back then, I had traveled with two of my siblings.

My sister Wendy and my brother Asher.

That year, Wendy began her fourth year at Hogwarts, and Asher began his sixth.

My two other older sisters Ing and Valerie had already graduated from Hogwarts and was waving goodbye to us from the platform together with our parents.

Last year, everything had been the same.

It was supposed to be like that this year too, but it wasn't.

I never really felt that my family liked me that much, I always felt left out.

For many years I thought it was because I was the youngest, that my older siblings laughed at things I was too young to understand, but over the years I realized that wasn't the case.

My family started to constantly leave me out and do things without me.

I wasn't treated badly, like Harry's treated by The Dursleys, it was more like I wasn't there.

I never felt loved, and last year when I had arrived at Kings Cross station for the summer holidays, no one was there to pick me up.

I looked for Wendy and Asher, but I realized after a little while that they had already been picked up. But not me.

My family had left me there. All alone.

But, I had my best friend Luke.

Luke Hart; my absolute favorite person in the whole world.

We've been best friends for as long as I can remember, and his family has treated me more like a family member than my own has.

They lived not far from the station, so I went to their house.

With tears in my eyes, I rang their doorbell.

The blonde, blue eyed, muggle boy happily opened the door for me with a big smile on his face.

But at the sight of me, his smile faded. 

Sobbing I told the Hart family what had happened.

They gave me a ride to my house, so that I could speak to my family.

But as soon as I stepped into the front door I realised they had moved.

I ran crying to my bedroom, seeing a letter on my bed.

We have moved.
Since Asher graduated, we decided that Wendy will drop out of Hogwarts and continue her education elsewhere.
Ing and Valerie are coming with us
We left the cat and the dog.

- Mother and Father

I had stopped crying when I finished reading the short letter. I couldn't cry.

I just sat there and stared at the paper in my hands.

I was glad they left Scooter and Cyrus. My parents had treated the animals like shit.

Scooter is the best dog you could ever ask for, he is a Toller with dark brown eyes and a white blaze on his face. He loves to be out on long walks in every wether and his absolute favorite thing in the world is to go swimming and play in the water.

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