Chapter Eight

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(The pic in this chapter is from Pinterest)

Harry, Ron and Hermione  went to visit Hagrid that night.

The rest of my Gryffindor friends asked me if I wanted to play cards with them, but I chose to go to the library instead.

It was just after dinner and I made my way to my dorm to change. 

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a knitted sweater, putted my hair up in a hair clip and took my  book from my bedside table, before heading back downstairs with my cat by my feet.

When I arrived at the library I took a seat in an empty sofa in the back. The library was pretty empty for the first day back to classes.

My mind was still racing from today's events.

As long as Professor Trelawney didn't say anything else, I should be fine.

I was thankful that there weren't that many people here. Right now, I just wanted to be alone in peace.

I threw my feet up on the stool in front of me and Cyrus jumped onto my lap. I leaned back as I opened my book and began to read, trying my best to focus on the pages, but my mind kept drifting back to Divination class.

It didn't take long before my peace and quiet was replaced with upset voices.

"I just don't understand why Dumbledore allows Hagrid to teach with such dangerous animals!"

Pansy Parkinson walked through the entrance to the library with her friends Zabini and Nott behind her and Daphne beside her.

"I mean, we all saw what happened, didn't we?" They sat down in a pair of armchairs a few feet from the sofa I was sitting in.

"Madam Pomfrey won't let me visit him, she says he needs rest." Pansy continued. "I totally understand, who knows how long he'll be in there"

"I hope he's alright until our first quidditch match" said Blasie Zabini, who was a chaser in the Slytherin quidditch team. "We play against Gryffindor"

"Yeah, we need to win the cup this year" sighed Theodore Nott.

Daphne caught sight of me and walked over to sit down besides me.

"Pansy won't shut up about Draco" she said to me, keeping her voice down so that the others wouldn't hear.

I chuckled. "It wasn't too bad, was it?" I looked over at Pansy, who now seemed to be talking about how bad a teacher Hagrid was.

Poor Hagrid, I thought to myself.

"I bet Draco was just overreacting" I shook my head.

"Yeah, I swear his robes barely broke" Daphne said.
"Oh no! Look at me! I got a scratch!" She said in a dramatic voice as she did an imitation of Draco.

We both started laughing but was cut off by Pansys death stare. 

"It is not funny!" She said angrily. "He got seriously injured!"

"Oh, come on, Pansy" said Daphne. "We were just joking!"

Pansy glared at me. "Why are you even sitting with Gardsson?" She asked Daphne. "You've spent all day with her"

Daphne's opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off.

"It's fine, Daph. I was planning on leaving anyways" I said, standing up. "Good night"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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