𝙇𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙈𝙖𝙭

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McKenna woke up to her head jerking to the side, nearly giving her whiplash, "I'm sorry, Dustin's calling you on the walkie-talkie. Are you okay." Eddie said worriedly as she pushed herself up.

"You apologize to me too much Ed's. I'm fine." McKenna said taking Eddie's jacket off of her which she guessed he had laid on her after she fell asleep and stood, stretching before grabbing the walkie-talkie she had in her bag that was still making noise due to Dustin trying to contact her.

"God Dust do you ever shut the fuck up?" McKenna said yawning.

"Thank god, where were you I was starting to think you guys got found. Steve and I are on our way to pick you up. The police weren't looking for Eddie, someone else was killed last night." Dustin rambled barely taking a breath.

"Wait, what? Who was killed?" McKenna said turning to Eddie with a look of terror on her face.

"Fred, one of Nancy's friends, look we'll talk more when you're in the car just.... Get ready or something so we don't have to wait for you again." Dustin said making McKenna roll her eyes and Eddie laugh.

McKenna put the walkie-talkie down and turned to Eddie who was standing awkwardly, she noticed how his arms looked without his jacket covering them and she coughed, looking away.

Before either of them could say anything she heard Steve's car horn in the driveway so she quickly grabbed her bag, handing Eddie her walkie-talkie, "Just in case." She shrugged, smiling at him.

"Just in case." He repeated looking down at her as she stared back.

Before they could say anything Steve honked the horn again making McKenna groan, " I have to go but I'm sure we'll be back later to check up on you." She said quickly, opening the door and leaving.

As she walked down the path to the cat she saw Steve ushering her to walk faster, ignoring him she walked up to the window of the passenger seat and saw it taken by Dustin who smirked at her and payed no attention to her knocking on the window.

Grumbling, she moved to the back of the car and opened the door to see Max bad Lucas already sitting in the car with a stack of newspapers in their laps.

Sitting down everyone in the car turned to look at McKenna, "What?" She said confused as to why everyone was looking at her like they knew something she didn't.

"What took you so long, Mickey? Where you too busy sucking face with Eddie?" Dustin said as Steve and Lucas made kissing noises, leaving Max confused as well.

"You like Eddie Munson?" She asked McKenna, "Wha- No, I don't know what Dustin is talking about we were not 'sucking each others face' we were....talking." McKenna said but the faces they made said that they didn't believe her.

Steve had dropped her off at her house so she could get ready and little to her surprise, the house was empty.

She quickly showered, brushed her teeth and changed her clothes before rushing out of the house and climbing back into the car and sat in silence during the car ride until she asked why they had picked her up.


McKenna sat on the couch between Dustin and Lucas with a Newspaper in her hands that made zero sense to her but, if they were going to figure out what was going on they needed to wrap their heads around these articles.

Dustin and Max had explained everything she missed to her in the car and she was not going to let Vecna take Max from her.

McKenna never wanted to admit it but, she loved her kids. Of course they weren't actually her kids but, sometimes it felt like it and it didn't matter what she had to do, she was going to protect them with her life.

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