Flashing Frights

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They continued to walk around the house more, looking for anything that would point to what they were looking for.

Dustin hadn't exactly made it clear what they were looking for but after the spider incident McKenna did not care, she just wanted to be out of there and in her bed.

"Holy fuck it's cold in here" she said as they walked into another room.

"Would you stop complaining already." Steve sassed, brushing his hair back and moving his flashlight around the room.

"Not my fault you're feeling all hot after your flirting fest with Nancy earlier." McKenna said as she rolled her eyes, wishing his ego wasn't so ginormous, "Yeah don't act like we didn't all hear you back there" she continued.

"Wha- What i was not flirting with her i don't know what you mean." Steve said back, Dustin and McKenna made eye contact, both understanding that one was doubting him just as the other.

"Steve.. you seem to forget, the amount flirty conversations i had to sit through with you and robin last year, you're not smooth with it." Dustin said, making McKenna chuckle.

"Okay well that was.. a phase okay so forget about it." he said back, cursing himself internally.

before McKenna could say anything a light behind. them cut on and began to hum eerily.

"Uh did you touch the switch Mickey?" Dustin asked as he walked closer to the light.

"No." She answered, "Guys! Get in here!" Steve yelled out of the door as Max and Lucas came in, slowing their steps as they saw the light too.

Nancy and Robin arrived a few seconds after, stepping into the circle that had formed around the chandelier.

"It's like the Christmas lights" Nancy said as the chandelier in front of them flickered and hummed.

The only other time McKenna had seen this happen was once, and it was not good.

"The Christmas lights?" Robin asked, still confused as she hadn't been completely filled in on everything that happened the first two times.

"Yeah, when will was in the upside down, the lights... came to life." Nancy answered back, continuing to gawk at the lights.

"Vecna's here, in this house. Just on the other side " Lucas interrupted, "Oh no guys this is bad... this is really bad" McKenna said, beginning to feel sick at the mention of the name.

"I think he just left the room." Robin said as the light went out, leaving the group in darkness again.

"Did he hear us?" Max asked, looking around for answers from someone. "Can he see us?" Steve asked stupidly and leaving Max without an answer.

"Headphones." Lucas said telling Max to put them on and start the music, just in case.

Max put the headphones on frantically as Mckenna's hair on her back stood up, it was far too cold and dark to be doing this right now.

Scared shitless and freezing was not how she excepted to spend her night.

"Wait, wait. Everyone turn off your flashlights and spread out." Nancy said before leaving the room.

"We're not gonna be able to see if we turn off our flash...lights." Steve said, being cut off by everyone leaving the room.

Left on the dark, McKenna stood in front of him with a terrified look on her face, begging that he let her come with him.

"Come on." Steve said huffing and putting a hand on McKennas shoulder, leading her forward with him.

They walked around the house for about 2 minutes before Robin yelled from somewhere on the other side of the house, "Got him!"

"I got him!" she said as steve and McKenna rounded the corner, watching as her light flashed then went out again.

"I... I had him." Robin said, disappointed that she had lost him.

"Oh woah. Oh I think he's moving. He's moving, he's moving!"  Steve said as his light turned on and flashed as they walked down the hallway like ducks following their mother.

They followed him up the stairs before the light went out just as they reached the top of the first few steps.

"Shit, I lost him." he said as the light went back out, "No you didn't." Max said, stepping in front and opening a door leading to the attic.

"Are... are we sure it's safe up here, like are we sure he's not gonna appear and chop our head off cause there's still things i want to do. I haven't even graduated yet, i've only had one boyfriend and that- that was in 6th grade for a week i still wanna have kids and lose my-"  McKennas whisper was cut off by Lucas turning around and shutting her up.

"God Mickey you're gonna hyperventilate." Lucas as he turned back to the front, walking further up the stairs.

"It's an attic. Of course it's an attic." Robin said from behind McKenna.

"Hold up, guys. What if he's leading us into a trap?" Dustin spoke up, thinking about what McKenna had said... what if it had been a set up.

"Guys, guys. shit. shit. shit. shit. shit" he said when no one stopped to consider.


        As they reached the top of the stairs and came to the source of the humming, everyone circled around the light.

as McKenna got closer, her flashlight lit up. Looking around she saw that Dustin's had too.

"Flashlights." they said together as they watched while everyone else's lights lit up the same as theirs had.

Walking closer to the bulb in the middle of the room, they huddled closer as every flashlight shined brighter than before, Vecna was definitely here.

"Okay, what happening?" Steve asked as nothing happened, "Guys... maybe we should leave now. I mean maybe it's not Vecna? Maybe it's a demogorgon or... something." McKenna said as she stared around.

No one said anything and just let the lights shine.

As they waited the grew brighter than ever, blinding them as they tried to keep their eyes open the best they could.

As if on cue right as McKenna was about to say fuck this and walk out of the house the flashlights started to explode.

Steve's, Robin's, McKenna's, Lucas', it continued too fast for them to react, Dustin's, Max's, Nancy's.

Finally the last bulb above them went out as they were left in the dark, surrounded by glass  as all of them got up as fast as they could and rushing down the stairs to get the fuck up out of there.

as they rushed through the front door, tripping over eachother as McKenna made a promise to never end up in that house ever again.


word count ~ 1111


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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