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Matt, Madi and Nick were all arguing about what ride we should go on while waiting in line for tickets.

"You ok?" Chris noticed that I was looking around worried.

"Yeah" I reassured him.

"Good" he smiled at me before joining the argument.

My phone started ringing in my pocket and I saw that Jess was calling me. I smiled at me phone and answered it up immediately.

"I'll be back" I told the group but I don't think they heard me.


Hey Stephanie

"Hi Jess" I smiled and played with my hair whilst listening to her beautiful voice.

What are you doing right now?

"I'm at the amusement park with my friends" I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

I leaned my body against the wall and smiled at myself.


"Why what's up?"

I wanted to stop by your place and pick you up but it's ok

"I'm sorry"

It's fine. Do you wanna go out for dinner tomorrow?

"With my friends?"

No, just us

"Can I call you back later and tell you?" I asked her.

Was she asking me out on a date?

Yeah! Of course, I'll probably call you tomorrow anyways. Take your time

"Thank you Jess. Um I have to go, talk later?"

Yeah. Have fun

"Thanks, bye"


She hung up the phone as I slid my back down the wall.

Holy shit.

I had butterflies as I thought about her until I realized my friends were probably waiting for me. I walked out of the bathroom and found them almost to the front of the line.

Nick looked at me suspiciously, "what's with the smile on your face?".

"I just spoke to Jess" I put my hair up as I smiled at myself again.

"Do you like her?" He asked me jumping.

"I don't know. I really like Chris but there's something about her" I folded my arms as we all walked to a rollercoaster ride.

"Do you think something will happen between you and Chris if you like her?"

"Yeah. I don't want anything to happen between Chris and I. He makes me really happy and nobody could change that" I smiled at Chris while he was talking to Madi and Matt.

"Just follow your heart" he told me as we got in line.

"Thanks Nick"

"Of course" we both gave each other a hug.

There were a few minutes of silence but I broke it after debating if I was gonna chose Chris or Jessica.

"She asked me out to dinner tomorrow tonight" I blurted out to Nick.

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