An Interview?

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Ms. Lustre has borrowed Doraemon's time machine (don't ask how) for a while and is now planning to travel back in time... a pre-independence era of 19th century (ofcourse carrying herself as a 21st century's girl!😉)

There she will be visiting Tulsipur's Barrister Babu Anirudh Roy Choudhury and will be taking his interview (in his Study room😋)

Yes, Ammy will be talking to a fictional character as a fan!! Let's bring this character to life!

Ps: Shhh! She'll be claiming to him that he is reborn in 21st as Pravisht (wanna know his reaction?) *whispering*

So, do you have any questions for our Awwni?

The interview will be posted on next chapter!

Cappi with Ammy!


A/N : Shall I proceed or drop this plan?

I myself will be DM'ing some of them individually for the questions and you can also comment or DM me if you want me to ask him anything.
You'll be tagged along with the questions.

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