Sealed No More

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I expect to be pulled back to the beginning of the memory and relive it again. Isn't that how Mato-kun said the hallucinogen would kill me?

I'm forcibly dragged away from the memory into a different plane. This space is dark and empty as far as the eye can see. I appear to be walking on water. I don't know how deep it is, but I can't see the bottom. Perhaps it's endless. When I step forward, my foot creates ripples underneath me.

My left leg crumples as searing pain floods my mind, in tidal waves of stabbing needles. I'm no longer inside a hallucination. Where am I then?

"Relax, will you? You're inside your own body."

That awful raspy voice is actually speaking instead of telepathically piercing my mind.

I turn. Just like his voice, the snake is more corporeal now. He's still made of pure magic power. But it's been condensed so far that it's surpassed mist or liquid state and has reached solid state.

"Apophis." Anger flares rather than fear. I'm proud of myself for that.

"Now now, mortal boy. Calm yourself. Is that any way so speak to an old friend?"

"You're no friend of mine."

"How cruel, after we've been through so much together. I had nothing better to do as I broke down your shabby seals, you see. I've been watching this world through your eyes." His tongue flicks. "So many tasty morsels here."

"Why are you here? Why now?"

"Isn't it obvious? All seven seals have fallen." If a snake could smile, I'm sure Apophis does. "I'm free."

I tense, preparing for a rematch. I try, but I can't use magic in this realm. It's my subconscious, I guess.

Apophis laughs, a snarly laugh. "Don't get worked up, mortal boy. I want revenge, but I'll deliver it to you and the mortal girl together, privately."

"I was right. You'd rather fight us alone." I glare at Apophis. "Coward. I'm warning you, we've both gotten a lot stronger. I swear to Mavis that I'm gonna kill you for everything you put Lexi through!"

Apophis hisses angrily. "I'll devour you, then I'll devour everything except the ones you love. They'll be alive to despair for their miserable lives as this world falls apart around them."

I smirk. "But I thought we were little bugs you could easily stomp? You're getting awfully worked up over a couple of worthless insects."

Apophis snarls. "Watch yourself, mortal boy. I was going to save your sorry excuse of a body to extend my fun, but you're trying my patience."

I'm taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"The seven seals have broken." Apophis says slowly, like he thinks I'm stupid. "Not only am I free to run rampant, so is your magic power that's been sealed with me. And it's grown. As you trained, all of your magic power increased, not just the unsealed portion. Additionally, it's been trapped in here with me. Not only has your magic power gained a chaotic attribute, it has grown exponentially faster than your little girlfriend with her magic power source. I'd say your magic power levels are roughly equal now, and they'll increase at the same rate even after I leave. You have become a magic power source."

And all that magic power has been unsealed at once and will expand, likely causing destabilization similar to what happened with Lexi.


I need to get back. Everyone's probably worried about me and I really don't want my heart to explode. I close my eyes and concentrate. I can feel a swell of magic power. Hard to believe it's mine.

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