Extra: Yuuki's New Life

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*two months after the first Storybook Games*
The guild is all hands on deck, abuzz with dozens of small conversations. Aunt Minerva sweeps confetti from the floor into a dimensional space, Mirror mimicking her mom to clear the tables. Uncle Rogue helps Nero filter the pool. I'm standing on Rose's shoulders, my calves being supported by Rose as I unclip a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign from the wall.

I haven't touched my presents yet, although it's been three days. This is the first time I'll be opening them without Yuuki. It feels wrong.

Yuuki sent word a week ago that he got an emergency rush job so he couldn't make it to our party.

There's been an empty space in my heart since Yuuki left. I didn't realize how central he was, always making everyone laugh and smile, until he wasn't. Now there's a gaping hole where Yuuki used to sit.

"I wonder how Yuuki's doing?" I sigh, verbalizing the question in all our hearts.

Conversations cease as smiles fall from faces. It seems I'm not the only who misses Yuuki. I wish I could see him right now.

"Talking behind my back? Why don't you just ask me?" My eyes fly to where Yuuki leans in the open doorway of the guild hall. He waves a hand in greeting, wearing a sheepishly apologetic expression. "Happy 18th, Yuuna. Sorry I'm a few days late."

"Yuuki!" Everyone shouts and crowds around him. Dad crushes him in a giant hug.

I shake my head emphatically. "I read your letter. Happy 18th, Yuuki."

Dad claps his shoulder. "Glad you're here."

"Thanks Dad, but I have an ulterior motive." Yuuki fidgets nervously. "I came to see if you and Mom and Yuuna wanted to go on a few rush jobs with me?"

"Of course." Mom agrees immediately, with a huge smile. "Will Avery be joining us? Rumors about you two have spread like wildfire."

"Nah, Avery's returning to Fairy Tail to ask Master Laxus for official permission to travel with me, since she's not going to remove her guild mark."

Thinking about that girl, I purse my lips.

That girl made a bad impression on me back when she was so rude to Yuuki during the Storybook Games. Then, as soon as he got his Sabertooth mark removed, Yuuki travelled directly to Magnolia's Harvest Festival. I can't believe it. Why is that girl was the one who Yuuki invited to travel with him? When did they get so close? Call me salty, but I can already tell that she's changing him.

"I'll go." I speak up.

"Minerva? Rogue?" Dad looks over his shoulder at his two best friends hopefully.

Uncle Rogue shoos him away. "You can leave running Sabertooth to us for a few days."

"Have fun with your family." Aunt Minerva agrees.

Dad is freed of his responsibilities and can come too. This is turning out to be a little family vacation. Yuuki literally glows with excitement, pushing us down the road to make us walk faster.

"Where are we going?" I ask as Yuuki steers us to a street I've never been on before. It dead ends at a modest white building with blue and yellow trim.

"Sabertooth will always be my family. But I really want to introduce you guys to my new squad." Yuuki scurries past me to open the double doors wide. "Welcome to the Crocus post office!"

I step inside Fiore's central headquarters for mail carriers and guildless wizards alike.

The waiting area open to the public is small, with whitewashed walls and seven or eight uncomfy chairs to sit in. Along the back wall is a long desk with half a dozen employees answering comm lacrimas or writing official stuff down. Behind the desk workers are multiple doorways without doors, which open to the rest of the building interior. I see many people, pushing fat carts of letters who-knows-where or sorting boxes on long conveyor belts.

Face Your Fears (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora