To Offer A Sword

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It's one thing to watch a battle from the relative safety of the guild box, where I can observe all actions through an objective lens. The lack of danger thanks to the barrier doesn't trigger me.

It's another thing entirely to be right in the splash zone, feeling the wind as Reiki clashes repeatedly with Yuuki. Sometimes even Yuuna, although she definitely favors ranged combat.

Reiki initiates those scuffles, attacking her until Yuuki intercepts them. I can barely track what's going on. Only that Yuuki has a massive advantage in magic power, but he and Reiki are roughly even in combat. Reiki's just that good at compensating.

Yuuna tips the scales, shooting rays of moonlight at Reiki and spells to increase Yuuki's speed, strength, and power. It's because of her that Reiki struggles to hold them off. Sky magic isn't the only type of magic that can bestow buffs on allies.

The twins lock eyes for a second, communicating without words. Yuuna abruptly withdraws from the battle, leaving Yuuki to duel Reiki solo. After a few minutes of white magic versus twin swords, whatever she's preparing is done.

Yuuna raises her arms. Yuuki immediately retreats, leaving Reiki alone in the magic circle that just appeared underneath their feet. No time to run.

Yuuna smiles a little. "Gotcha. Eclipse: sight!"

Reiki's eyes fill with inky black. Not just his irises, even the whites of his eyes aren't spared the squid treatment. He tenses. If I had to guess, he's completely blind until the debuff spell wears off.

"Humans rely on sight more than any of our other senses. Let's see how long you fare without." Yuuna says, looking slightly smug.

Reiki adjusts his grip on his swords and closes his eyes. Yuuki jumps at him, but Reiki listens and dodges just in time as a white laser whistles by. Yuuki tries some punches and kicks, but Reiki dodges most of them by sound alone. He almost lands a solid slash on Yuuki's neck with his swords.

Yuuki jumps back. "Yuuna! It's not enough!"

"Already on it." Yuuna goes through the same motions with her hands again. "Eclipse: hearing!"

Now Reiki looks like he's gotten a tattoo on his ears. Whatever sense Yuuna steals, it turns any associated external sensory organ black.

What happens next is a dance. Yuuki attacks, and as soon as the attack brushes Reiki's skin and he feels it, he estimates it's direction and swerves away. Like this, he amasses light injuries but never anything serious. Lacking sight and hearing he still manages to keep up the fight. But how long can he last?

Yuuna puffs out her cheeks in annoyance now. "Very well. Usually I find this a bit too cruel, but now I'm irritated. Yuuki, get back."

Yuuki obliges. "Are you serious?"

"Eclipse: touch!" Yuuna chants.

All of Reiki's skin changes color. He's now lost every vital sense, except for those of taste and smell, and is completely vulnerable to attack.

Yuuki hesitates, then narrows his eyes. "Yuuna's doing her best and I will too! I'm not a bully so I'll knock Reiki out with one move!"

He begins concentrating a ball of white energy in his palm, probably akin to a bomb which will explode when he throws it at Reiki.

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