Nashi's Letter

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Stupid Metalhead,
Next time I see you I'm gunna beat you to a pulp. You haven't visited in like a year! Unless you're dead you have no excuse so get your butt back to Fairy Tail occupationally okay?

I sigh in exasperation. "I swear, that numbskull does this every time. The correct word is occasionally!"

Yuuki laughs at my expense, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his lap. I hold up the letter so he can read over my shoulder.

Guess what!! Remember how I wrote about feeling crumby last month? Aunt Wendy just assessed me and I'm gonna be a mommy in six months! I have no idea how to tell Storm... do I just say it or do I make like a scavenger hunt or something? Dad offered to write it on his fist and punch Storm but I prefer my BF without a hole in his skull.

Me and the baby are healthy. What about you? You better be healthy or I'll punch your lights out! Yuuki too. He knocked you up yet? Oh Mavis, Uncle Gajeel walked by and looked over my shoulder right as I wrote that and spat out his beer, watch out Yuuki!

P.S: You guys got any luck in the search for Lexi and Reiki? Asuka came back again... no dice. Rose is coming to the guild hall more frequently, heading up the collab with other guilds. That business with Diana and Nero and bonds is beyond me, but she's been catching up with Aunt Erza and Uncle Jellal. Wonder how Reiki will react. I miss them.


"Sincerely!" I screech, which sets Yuuki off again.

His laughter shakes the bed and me since I'm still on his lap. As a result, Yuuki and I get a tad little bit sidetracked and completely forget to read the third letter for the rest of the night.

Which is why I'm not truly mad at Yuuki for not remembering the third letter until he finds in his pocket the next day at noon. I'm the reason he was so distracted and I don't regret it.

Since the post office refuses to overwork us and forces us to not accept jobs one day per week, we're lazily exploring the town of Primrose. Now we can walk and enjoy the pleasant weather as we read.

"Geez, it could be important!" I huff, playfully angry. "Go on then, open it."

The third letter is different from what we usually receive. The envelope is high quality paper, rough and thick, sealed with gold wax. Lamia Scale's guild mark is stamped into the wax.

Reiki carefully unseals it and we read it together: a formal invitation to the Link-Babasaama union.

I gasp in excitement, shaking Yuuki's arm. "Axis and Edel are finally tying the knot!"

"It's about damn time." Yuuki grins proudly.

"Hmmm." I arch an eyebrow at him. "Those are pretty impatient words from someone who still hasn't officially confessed to me yet."

Yuuki's mouth drops open. "No way. I've totally confessed to you."

"Must we have this conversation again?"

"I'm telling the truth. It was back—"

"—during Fantasia five years ago?" I vividly remember standing on my parade float while Yuuki flew up on white wings, his eyes only for me, glowing and spewing romantic words without a care for who heard him. I was so embarrassed and Dad just about murdered him. "Nope, sorry. You asked me to run away with you in front of my entire guild. I accepted, obviously since I'm here, but you never actually said 'I like you, please go out with me' in so many words."

"That totally counts."

"It doesn't."

"It should!" Yuuki scratches the back of his head and has the gall to look sheepish.

"It doesn't!" I insist stubbornly, puffing out my cheeks and looking away so my expression doesn't betray how badly I want to hear Yuuki confess to me.

Now Yuuki studies me seriously. "No."

My heart drops. "What—"

"I can't tell you that I like you." He leans in so our eyes are level and our breath mingles. "Because I don't just like you anymore. I love you with every fiber of my being, Avery Redfox, and I want to keep telling you that for the rest of your life."

My knees give out and Yuuki catches me. He grins, the mostly blindingly beautiful sight I've ever seen. I blush deeply. "I love you too."

Something small pulls on our legs, causing me and Yuuki to look down. We're faced by a little girl with pixie cut blonde hair and royal blue eyes. She holds hands with a younger girl sporting long electric blue hair and electric blue eyes.

Their presence reminds me that we're in public, so I quickly compose myself. No one was nearby to watch me make a spectacle of myself save for the girls. I don't even see their parents.

"I'm Nova." The older sister says proudly (I assume they're sisters because they look very similar).

"I Sora!" The younger sister mimics.

"I'm four."

"I two!"

"We lost."


Ah, missing children. That explains everything. For no reason, random little kids will see Yuuki and me on the street and trust us explicitly. We've encountered several cases like this without trying.

These little girls are acting very stoic, trying not to cry. Nova points at the guildmark on my thigh, exposed by my denim short shorts. "Mama and Papa say dat if alone, go Faiwy Tail. Faiwy Tail helps."
*two years after this*
Yuuki: No way, I've totally proposed to you.

Avery: This is becoming a trend.

Yuuki: I'm being honest! It was back—

Avery: When you told me you love me for the first time, and said you want to keep telling me that for the rest of my life? I wanna spend the rest of my life with you too, but you never said 'Will you marry me' in so many words.

Yuuki: That totally counts.

Avery: It doesn't.

Yuuki: It should!

Avery: It doesn't!

Nashi (in the background): Just give her the damn ring already!

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