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HI so I read all these chapters. AND JESUS CHRIST AM I SORRy

I was a horny mf 12-13 year old. I'm now 15, AND I AINT LIKE THAG NO MORE

I got laid. I hated every part of it


I came on here to say to the ppl who are still reading this IM SORRY, I won't be doing anymore.

But I will be writing a new book soon and I hope you will take time to enjoy my new writing. Because IM ALOT BETTER NOW.

Anyway, I love you guys very very much and I thank you for the continued support  and I hope you will bring fourth that for my new book "ghostly kisses"

It's Abt this girl who died in a house from a Curse then passed it on to another girl and she messed up and two ppl died.

Anyway I've been working very hard on it so I hope you like it!

Love yall! Mwah mwah

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