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"What the fuck." Theo spoke to no one since he turned off the mic.

Earlier he hacked into the security cameras that were set up and decided to sit and watch the event and to say the least, some moments were either entertaining or painfully boring- no in between. Well until he watched the patched work freak hold hands with his darling.

He leaned forward before pressing a button on his keyboard with a twitching eye, "Y/n if he doesn't get his filthy hands off of you I'll go there myself."

Theo watched as she glanced up at the camera in the corner before sticking her tongue out at the camera making him grunt in annoyance.

"God what am I gonna do with her." He questioned, fingers rubbing against his forehead.

For a second he wondered how he even got in this position.

He remembered meeting her so vividly, she was younger than him and yet she was so... stubborn.


It was years after Theo left his grandmas house, so quick to build a reputation.

Sure, he was smart and his quirk was very useful but how was that going to save him in a world full of unfairness?

Well, he'd have to adapt... but first Theo will have to learn and experience it first hand.

It wasn't long before he was picked on by thugs. Walking down alleyways in the middle of the night all alone was bound to get him in some unwanted trouble.

"Aren't you a bit lost?" Theo didn't know how old they were but if he'd have to guess it'd be around 26, "Walking all alone," The man paused to lick his lips with a greedy shine to his eyes, "It's not safe."

He couldn't help but mentally roll his eyes, 'obviously, do they think I'm out here for fun?' The whole reason he was out and about was because he was famished.

His eyes were only focused on the leader in the 6 man boy group they formed, so he was surprised when one was closer than he anticipated already breathing down his neck, "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe."

It was only now did the younger boy realize the severity of his situation. Not only did he have no offense quirk but he was only one person. So according to him, there was only one right answer and it was to fucking run.

He pushed past the two weakest members and ran, he made turns at every corner he saw and hid in every unfamiliar tight space he could fit through.

And everything was fine... until he saw a girl slightly younger than him unconscious on the opposite side of the alleyway. She didn't look dead, he could tell from her breathing patterns. But that didn't stop him from worrying, especially since he heard the voices of the men coming near.

Yet he was still frozen.

He watched as the men came running down the alley in search for him but instead stumbling across the girl.

"Forget about the boy! Look at this instead!" One of the men spoke, getting the attention of his companions.

They all simultaneously looked over with wide smiles, "This is way better!"-"It's like she's asking for it!" one laughed.

No matter how tightly Theo shut his eyes or tried to cover his ears, the guilt was already eating him alive. Without a second thought knowing he would've continued to ignore it, he leaped forward before they could lay a hand on the still, somehow, unconscious girl.

"Wait!" He shouted, he wasn't going to fight them so he might as well try stalling and compromising before he gets his ass beat, "This girl probably isn't even worth much, I mean look at her she can't even get up." Theo wasn't going to say anything like "take me instead," I mean why would he? There's no reason to risk his life over a girl who decided to pass out in a dangerous environment. He paused before widening his arms, his thick Australian accent coating his words, "And look at me, I'm all roughed up and messy, I look like a dogs chew toy, we would be no use to you."

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