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I was that one plastic bottle,
Floating aroud the ocean.

I had no life,
And was gliding on the flow of the waves.

I had no use,
Yet troubled the whole world.

I thought I used to be useful,
But was thrown away after running out of water myself.

Trash, such as myself,
Changed when He picked me up.

He brushed and cleansed the clod inside out;
And craftily repair my blots day by day.

Now became artfully-made, wondrous new creation;
With the purpose to witness and unfold.

I never would have been renewed in my life,
Which I failed to see before that day.

As I see myself on the mirror,
I see now a vessel ready for its Master's use.

Mga Tula 2 (Poems 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin