two - skylar

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Chapter Two – Skylar

            “Mmh, really?” I asked Trinity, really only half-interested in what she had to say. She was going on about One Direction—not that I was surprised, they were basically her life—while I was concentrating on restocking the sketchbooks correctly. According to Louis, they had to be in the absolute correct spot, or else something bad could happen. I didn’t necessarily see what harm could come from a few unorganized books, but hey, he was the international pop star.

            Who was I to judge?

I still hadn’t told Trinity about my little five-minute meet-and-greet with him. Not only would she have murdered me (I did meet her idol and had forgotten to get a picture or an autograph, after all), but she also would’ve been extremely jealous. And trust me, jealous Trinity is not an enjoyable Trinity.

Not in the slightest.

“—and I figured, hey, if they’ve been seen out in this area often, it wouldn’t hurt if I hung out around Starbucks. That’s where they always go—”

“Louis actually isn’t that big of a fan of Starbucks,” I informed her absentmindedly, eyes scanning over the books that I had moved around. The aisle was a lot more orderly now.

“How do you know?”

“Hmm?” I hummed out, running a hand through my hair. Nervous habit.

I couldn’t very well spill that I had chatted with the one and only Louis Tomlinson, now could I? Not after keeping it a secret for this long. “I don’t. I’m guessing. You said he likes tea, and I assumed…” I trailed off, shrugging my shoulders before tilting my head. “So you didn’t visit my job just to see me. Knew it.”

Wearing a sheepish grin, Trinity let her gaze fall to the floor, completely taking the bait for the subject change. “Well it is nice to see you and all,” she wrinkled her nose, “but I kind of do see you a lot at home.”

“My face isn’t pleasant enough for you to look at all day, I get it,” I joked, a soft smirk setting on my lips. “Well, I haven’t taken a lunch break yet, and it’s almost noon, now. Shall we?”

Trinity raised her head to answer, but instead of words tumbling out, her hazel eyes widened, jaw falling slack as she hit my arm repeatedly. “Do you see that?” She hissed, still staring over my shoulder. “Oh my Lord. Somebody hold me.”

“What?” I asked, pushing her back off of me enough to spin around. As I did, my breath caught as I met a pair of familiar, smiling blue eyes.


            “He knows your name?” Trinity gasped out, falling limp onto my side once more as Louis strolled over, hands locked on the bicep of a boy that was being dragged along behind him. “I wish I had a nametag right now. Did you hear how he said it? Skylar,” she mocked, eyes still wide and breath still coming in short pants, “It’s perfect.”

            Louis stopped in front of us, releasing his grip on the boy that was behind him. He was standing directly behind Louis, so I couldn’t see much of him, but I did see a hint of olive skin, and a head of raven hair.

            So I’m guessing that it was Zayn.

            “I like your hair down better,” Louis nodded approvingly, dragging his eyes over my figure before nodding. He looked over my shoulder at the newly organized sketchbooks and smirked. “Took my advice then?”

Heartstrings ➳ z.m.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora