twenty-six - skylar

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Chapter Twenty-Six – Skylar

            I was still mad, yes, but I could see that it definitely had a deeper meaning to him than it did to me.

            And maybe he did have his reasons, and maybe it was better if I didn’t know them.

            But I still didn’t understand. I’d rather know that people are talking behind my back than to have someone tell me.

            Maybe he didn’t tell me because he didn’t know that… or maybe he was expecting me to leave him over the silly rumors.

            I don’t know.

            “I guess I should’ve told you,” Zayn began, and I could feel his chest rise with each quivering breath, his lips moving so that they were grazing my cheek.

            Every movement burnt my skin in euphoria, and I tightened my fingers around his waist, fingers clinging to fabric like I was keeping him together at the seams.

            And sometimes I felt I was; sometimes I felt him unraveling between my tips, and sometimes I felt like I was the only thing keeping him from teetering off the edge of reality.

            He was by no means ‘normal’, or ‘average’ or any other stupid thing that tabloids tried to say about celebrities. He was just Zayn. And I don’t know how, I really don’t, but I fell in love with that along the way.

            And he said he loved me too—he even said it first—so I don’t understand why he wouldn’t just tell me about the gossip.

            I wouldn’t have left him.

            I couldn’t have.

            I’ve fallen way too hard for that.

            “I really am sorry, you know,” he told me, and I nodded, my fingers moving to the nape of his neck; tips grazing the short spats of hair.

            “Yeah, I know.” This was probably the thing I liked to do the most with Zayn; stand there, breath him in. Act like nothing was going on around us, like we’re the only two on the earth.

            Like it was only here and now, and the past never happened, and all that mattered was us.

            Us as in Zayn and Skylar. Us as in two polar opposites that fell helplessly in love.

            Us as in the boy who stole my heart—the one that could make it beat slower and faster at the same time, the one who brought a smile to my face just for being—and me.

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