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Note: Sorry about another author's note. Please forgive me?

I have awesome news! People have been saying that they want a sequel to this book, which is just... Amazing. I can't believe that people love my book. There's literally no words for it. So... Due to these warm fuzzy feelings that you've all given me, IM GOING TO WRITE A SEQUEL!!! It may not be all that exciting to you guys, but I am certainly thrilled. I've had this idea stuck in my head ever since I finished this book, but I've been too busy with other books and I didn't have very many readers - until now. Sadly, it won't be up for a little while, because I'm working on Barbie Slayer, which I would REALLY like you to check out! It's creepy and weird, and I only have 130 reads on it which is sort of sad. No one but my friends are reading it, and it would be awesome if you could check it out and vote and comment and fan. PLEASE?!?! It would mean I can finish that book sooner and this sequel will come out even quicker!

And because I'm nice, I'm going to tell you a bit about the sequel. The main character is Arya - Myrcella's sister, the witch - and her story about how she found her magic, and why she wanted Myrcella to leave the notes for Ezra. It's going to have magic, and crazy, creepy mermaids that are at war with sea witches, and a mad mermaid king who wants her to use against his foes because of a legendary magic she holds. It's going to be EPIC!

And, it's going to be a trilogy! Yay! I've attached the cover of book 2 in the Violet Trilogy (Yes, I know, bad name) because yeah. I dunno. So you can see it, really.

I promise it will be out after I'm finished Barbie Slayer, so remember to fan on it! Here's the link if you're interested -

And because I'm nicer than nice, I'm going to give you the blurb of Three Times Dead. Yes, that's the title! :D

Thirteen visions. Three lives. One crazy mermaid king chasing her.

Arya Dire never thought her life would be twisted like this. All she wanted was for her sister to never find out about this, to live in peace like anyone else. But Arya has a reward above her head, all because she was born with a legendary power that King Triton of the mermaids happens to deeply desire for his war against the evil sea witches. With the help of a handsome mermaid guard and a loopy moon Dryad called Luna, she learns new things about herself and her eerie visions, while tracking down her sister and planning out her life that she always should have had. It's only hours before she finds Myrcella. And minutes before Triton catches up with her.

What do you think? Is it stupid or cool? Please comment your thoughts, and don't forget to check out Barbie Slayer!

P.S. Hopefully this is the last author's note on this book because there are too many now. But if there's any important news I'll add another, I guess.


THIRTEEN REASONS, THIRTEEN CLUES {Book 1 of the Violet Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now