Seventh Reason, Seventh Clue

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I'm standing at the edge of the cliff, watching as Myrcella stares down at the depths below. I know she's scared, and so am I, but I know I can't stop her.
The wind whips her curly hazel hair as it whips mine, and her dress that she's wearing is swaying peacefully. Soon that dress will be covered in blood.
She turns her head towards me and smiles sadly. A single tear trails down her cheek and I wipe it away with a finger, just as I did the last day I saw her alive. But this time no more tears come.
Suddenly her mouth moves, and she says, in the quietest whisper, "The chair."
The chair? What does that mean?
I keep looking at her, taking her in for the last time. Her violet eyes, her curly hair... everything.
And then she looks back down at the ground, and I remember something.
I reach into my pocket and pull out a beautiful flower, the same colour as her eyes, and place it in her hand. She smiles, but doesn't look at me.
I take a step back. Myrcella lifts her arms, one hand still clutching the flower, and slowly lets herself lean over the edge.
The last thing I see of her is her hair.
And then she's gone.
And then I'm in my bed again, puffing and panting and sweating just as I do every time I see Myrcella dead or dying.
I get off my bed and sit down on my chair to stare at the notes a little more. Now I have six.
The last one I found was at Myrcella's door, and to me it seems like the most puzzling one.
I've established that the notes are probably reasons why she jumped, and every one of them sticks to that theory.
All except the last one. Because you knocked on my door. I thought that all of the notes were some sign of affection, which made her hate me, but the sixth one just doesn't work.
Despite that, it still sticks by my other theory; that all the notes have something to do with my dreams.
And the dream I just had, the dream where I watched her jump, should have had some clue to where the next note is...
The chair! I remember now, just before she jumped, she whispered, "The chair." At that moment I didn't think much about it, but now I am.
The only thing is, what chair? There wasn't really any special chair that she had, or I have...maybe the chair that she sits in at History in school?
That's the last lesson she ever had, so the last chair she ever sat in. That could be it!
Today's Wednesday, so school. Yesterday I was allowed to stay home, so today I really should go.
I quickly get dressed, brush my hair and teeth and shove my shoes in. I completely forget about breakfast, and when my mum shouts to me that she has bacon and eggs ready I tell her I can't and rush out the door.
I don't bother getting my bike, even though it would probably get me to school faster than running. But I don't care.
I run until I can see the school in the distance and give myself a little break, then run again. The first lesson I have today is History, so that way I don't have to wait so long. I'll go straight there and wait until the door is open to check if there's another note.
And this time, I'm sure there is.
I see Melody on the way to the History classroom but I shout at her, "Not right now!" I'm going to pay for that.
Surprisingly I don't see any of my friends as I run, but that's a good thing. I'd probably have to explain what I'm doing if I saw them.
When I'm at the History classroom I'm disappointed that the door's shut, and there's a small line of people waiting against the wall. Most of them are the nerdy ones, and at first I think that I don't want to be seen standing with them, but then I get a sick feeling in my stomach as I think about what I could have done for Myrcella if I hadn't have been scared of losing my popularity. So I stand quietly with them.
It seems like a century has passed when finally the History teacher opens the door. I dash in and head straight to Myrcella's old seat, directly behind mine, and gasp when I see the tiny folded paper.
I reach for it from the chair and open it, then make my eyes read it as fast as possible, as if the words are going to disappear. But they don't, and it's the most wonderful feeling to see her handwriting again.

Because you watched me jump.

And I did. I watched her jump in the dream, and this time I know that there really is some sort of magic behind it.

THIRTEEN REASONS, THIRTEEN CLUES {Book 1 of the Violet Trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now