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Tae went to hospital as like nothing happened.if anyone saw tae they will say he was the happiest person as ever .he was smiling more than before he seems like .he was chitchat with other doctors and nurses . everyone was surprised seeing the cold rudest doctor Kim was speaking calmly and friendly with everyone even they made a mistake . He was so calm outside but no one knows the person who was they seeing happily ever after was internally broked like thousands of pieces , crying his heart out out . tae was trying his best to Don't remember anything about guk or his broken love .he don't know what to do or what to say to guk .he know he can't hide from guk for some more hour .guk was continuously calling him and messaging him . that's why he making himself busy with everyone distract himself from attending guk's calls.if he attend he will fail to fulfill the promise he gave to Jin . He need to time to himself forget about guk but he can't .he was helpless .he love guk that much to he can't forget him .his soul was linked with him .

For a heavy sigh he looked at the clock and saw it was his time to go home .he packed his stuffs and went to parking spot .for his unluck his car was not starting .he angrily kicked tire and went towards bus stop.for his another surprise there standing his love of life now the least person he doesn't want to see.jeon Jungkook .he tried to escape from there.but for his unluck guk saw him and hold him by wrist .the moment guk hold him tae felt the same feeling he was feels whenever guk touch him.the same pain on his head .he pulled his hands back

Jk: what's all these tae? Why you are avoiding me?what I done wrong.just say it what I done.you are hurting me tae . don't do like this
Tae:am sorry guk we can't be together
Jk:what??(he laughed) are you jocking? Then tae it's not funny .it will broke me completely
Ta:am serious guk .we can't be together . that will make our loved ones unhappy
Jk:(he looked at tae unbelievably and hurt in his eyes) how can you say that tae? How can you leave me like this (his eyes start to fill)is it your family don't like me? why they don't like me? Why am ?
Tae:guk am sorry. hyung said our past, it was not good .it will only hurt us more .so let's break up(he looked at guk and saw the tears he can't take it more he run without looking around)

Guk saw tae was running towards the highway with out looking anywhere .there is a jeep coming towards tae .it was horning loud but tae was not listening


Tae looked at guk yelling and saw the jeep coming towards . everything came back to sense and he looked were standing.in seconds he got stuck by seeing how he was standing in middle of the road .he felt fear ran towards his body .his legs were freezed .he can't able to move an inch .he only looked at guk.guk ran towards tae.he hurrly hold him by waist and pulled him towards the other side . they two fall on the road .the sudden loud voice and pull tae closed his eyes like accepting his death after he felt nothing happened he slowly opened his eyes and saw he was laying on guk who was barely opening his eyes .

Tae:guk....(he called)
Jk:are you okey?(he weakly asked)
Tae:hmm(he nodded)
Jk:am happy .love you (he said very very low voice only tae can hear .his words were cutting in between and h closed his eyes)
Tae:guk ,,,,guk,,,,,(he tapped on guk's cheeks but he didn't opening eyes then he saw the blood behind his head spreading)

Tae feared seeing the increasing blood... He tapped his cheeks alot to wake him up

Tae:gukkkkk wake up .. please.... don't leave me... please (he cried)

Everyone ran towards them and take guk to hospital

IN LOVE WITH PAIN♡ S2Where stories live. Discover now