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At hospital

Nr:Dr Kim you have a visit
Tae:okey am coming
Jimin looked at tae confusingly
Tae:what?(he asked )
Jm:who is visiting you this time
Tae:I don't know I think it will be relative's of patients
Jm:but it's your off time
Tae:may be urgent
Jm: let's visit them together
Tae:no Jim I can handle it myself
Jm:I don't feeling good tae .
Tae: don't worry Jim .it's just a visit nothing to worry
Jm:I always worry about you
Tae:ohhhh my sweety don't worry alot about me . worry about your wife who is going to give birth to junior Jimin (he cutely pinched Jim's cheeks)
Jm:aish my cheeks .(he slapped on tae's hands)omg I forget we have a movie night today .I promised her
Tae:then go my sweety . don't make her mood go up and down
Jm:aish don't make me remember those nights
Tae:then go fast (he smirked and went outside)


Tae:who is waiting for me
Nr:him doctor (he pointed a man who standing near the out door )
Tae:okey thank you(he bowed and walk towards the man )

Tae: excuse me (he called him)

The man turn back and smiled at tae

Tae:mr.kim .
Mr.kim: Taehyung .after along we met once again.did I distrub you
Tae:no no no .you are not .how are you How is your health now
Mr.kim:am extremely fine and happy to see you
Tae:did you come here for a check up
Mr.kim:no I came here to see you .is your work over ?
Tae:me?for what?ya my shift is over
Mr.kim: that's good .can we talk
Tae:why not ?we can .
Mr Kim:then what about we go outside and eat a dinner
Tae: dinner?(he think a second)hmm okey .but I need to pick up my son from kindergarten
Mr Kim:then we can go together and pick him .I also miss him alot
Tae:okey .then I will go and change fast
Mr .Kim:I will wait here

Tae hurrly went inside and changed fast
Jm:where you are going
Tae:a dinner
Jm:date?(his eyes becomes wide )
Tae:hey buddy I said am going for a dinner not a date
Jm: with whom?
Tae:it's a big story I will tell you tomorrow
(He hurrly took his bag and went towards door)
Jm:hey don't go like that .just say who is that?

Tae didn't wait for reply .he left the room


Tae: let's go
Mr.kim:okey son .at xxx kindergarten right ?
Tae:how you know?
Mr.kim:I know everything about you
Tae:what ?how?
Mr.kim:we have a connection Taehyung
Tae:me and you ?(he asked confusingly)
Mr.kim:(he nooded his head smilingly)
Mr.kim: that's I want to talk about you .you know which family you are?
Tae:no .I have memory loss
Mr.kim:you belongs to a big family
Tae:me ??nice jock mr.kim
Mr.kim:Am serious
Tae:then who are they .In my memory I only have Jin hyung
Mr.kim:you know which family Jin belongs
Tae:no he didn't mention it
Mr.kim:we are here
Mr.kim:your son's kindergarten .let's pick him and we can go for dinner

Tae Opened the door and went to pick up taehyun .his mind was completely filled with the thoughts of what Mr.Kim said .after picking taehyun they went to a luxurious hotel to eat dinner . taehyun was amazed by luxurious hotel .tae declined the offer saying he will pay .but for his surprise that hotel was owned by Mr .Kim . morethan that mr.kim mentioned it was the hotel he registered in name of his son .he was waiting for his son to come back to him to transfer his whole property in name of him.tae already know Mr .Kim was the second biggest enterprises in Korea and LA .he really amazed by hearing the heir of Kim enterprises left this whole luxurious life without thinking second .they talk alot about their life .after eating dinner taehyun slept .on driving back mr.kim stopped near a park

Tae:what happen mr.kim ?
Mr Kim:you remember what I said I want to talk
Tae:oh I forget .what you want to talk mr.kim
Mr.kim:let's walk
Tae:taehyun(he looked at taehyn who was sleeping at back)
Mr.kim:we can justify there and talk (he pointed at bench stone placed on park)he will look after him(he said to the driver )

Tae look at taehyn and driver
Driver: don't worry sir I will .I also have a child like him .I will take care of him
Tae:thank you
Mr.kim:(he went out from car and also open the door for tae)come

They two walked towards the bench and sit there silently.only sound of nature were heard.a calmness surrounded them .they two look at beauty of nature with our talking anything .

Mr Kim:it's so calm Right?
Tae: giving a peace of mind .it's all these world need in this busy life
Mr.kim:ya a old man like me need a day like this in his life alot .a calmness of nature and love of his child near like this .

Mr.kim look at tae
Mr.kim:Taehyung (he called him slowly and lovingly)
Tae:yes (he also look at mr.kim)
Mr.kim:I missed you alot
Tae:(he smiled ) if I had a dad too I will take him like this and make our sweet little moments
Mr.kim:who said you don't have a dad
Tae:I don't remember who he was .
Mr.kim:tae ,this is what I want to say my son.am your dad Kim Joo Dan tae  .and you are my son Kim TAEHYUNG
Tae:WHAT???????(he looked at him shockingly)

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