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Everyone was gathered arround the stage .the priest's vows were echoed through the hall .only happiness were shown in everyone's eyes.everyone clapped their hands when namjoon said "I do" it's was Jin's turn and he also said "I do" tae came forward to give ring to Jin suddenly taehyun ran away from the stage .
"Taehyun"tae called him and about to chase him Jimin stoped him eyeing Jin and the ring in his hand .tae whispered sorry and gave ring to Jin

Tae mind inward with unpleasant feeling about taehyun run away .he looked arround but didn't saw him .Jimin patted tae shoulder to assure him .
Finally namjin kissed.everyone clapped and cheer them . hurrly tae stepdown from stage and start to search for taehyun . finally he saw him near the exit .he ran towards him and engulfed him to a hug

"What you done hyun?i worried alot"tae tightly hugged him
"Appa,hyung....kookie hyung...."tae's eyes become wide just hearing the name
"W__what"his words were broken .he immediately broke the hug and hold taehyun by his shoulder and directly look at his eyes for more
"Yes appa.he was here.i talk to him .he even gave this to me"he showed a choclate that kookie gave to him


Jungkook came for the wedding.but he don't want anyone see him .even his hyung .so he covered himself in a big hoodie and sat in a corner . But taehyun caught him .before he leave taehyun hold him by his small fingers.
"Kookie hyung...."he hugged his legs tightly
"Baby"he called him and hugged him tightly
"I miss you hyung.i miss you alot....."he opened his both hands widely showing how much he miss him
"I miss my baby to"he sit on his knees and hugged him tightly
"Where you went ,hyung?"
"No where Hyun.i was watching you everytime ."he pecked his cheek
"Let's meet appa.he missed you too"he hold Guk's hand and start to pull him
"No hyun.not today .hyung need to go somewhere.its urgent"he made a lie
"No...no..hyung will come with me "he made a pouty face

"My baby is a good boy ,right? Taehyun noded his head ." he will listen to his hyung ,right?" He again noded "then go.your appa will worry and search for you everywhere.I will come and visit you later "he patted hyun's head and kissed his cheek
"Promise me"Hyun showed his pinky finger
"Promise"they made a pinky promise and Jungkook give him sweets

Flashback back end

Tae's eyes become teary .
"Appa....are you crying???"he wiped tae's tears
"No baby no"he hugged him tightly
"Then why your eyes are watery"he asked worrly
"Its because am happy Hyun"he said smilingly
"Because kookie hyung is back"he asked happily
Tae nodded his head happily

Later at night
Everyone gathered at tae's home because he called them .
"What happened tae?why you called all of us here "yoongi yawned
"Omg it's our wedding night tae . don't spoil our night by your silence"Jin said annoyingly but everyone laughed

"He is here"tae said out of sudden it made the hall become silent

The silence broked by namjoon's phone rings . everyone's attention goes there
"Appa"he said to everyone
"Pick up"tae said hurrly

"Hello appa"
"What"his eyes become wide
"Am coming"he cut the calls

"What happened"everyone look at namjoon for his reply
"Guk is there"namjoon replied in one breath
"Am coming hyung .let's go"he hurrly went towards his room and packed his things
"Let's go hyung .I want to see him .I want to say sorry to him .I want to forgive him .I want to live with him . I want to__"
He blabbering and picking up things from every corner to go
"Tae..please listen"Jin hold him by his shoulder to make him stand on a spot
Tae look at his hyung unbelievably.his eyes holding so many emotions that can't read by anyone

"I know you are waiting for him alot .wait a little too .if he see you there it will make more complicated .we will go there and talk to him ."Jin assured his brother
" I want to see him .no hyung I will come with you now "he said
"Did you want he run away once more "Jin said without thinking anything it made tae's eyes wet
"Listen tae ,we will talk to him .just a little more .you can see him tomorrow"Jin said . without saying anything tae went back to his room and hugged taehyun tightly

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