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i always invite troubles

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i always invite troubles.am really dirty
I feels his touch in my body. everywhere.i am dirty....my skin burns...his touch ...it's burns..am sorry Guk..am not pure anymore.....

What you are doing to me Guk???how can you change me like this??why am feeling so complete with you

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What you are doing to me Guk???how can you change me like this??why am feeling so complete with you...why you are so nice to me?is am worthy for your love??
Thanks for trusting me.....I am always honest with you ...luv u so much

Fuck!!my head hurt!!!

He cursed under my breath .hisbfree hand making it way to his head tugging his hair a little

He feel weird
His chest hurts....

He feels like his heart was being squeezed and the sharp pain makes its difficult to breath. He feel lumb in his throat and his vision start to get blurry as tears slowly well up

The same things happened before ... He cursed under his heavy breath ...he shakely took the water bottle and drank it in one breath...he took heavy breath to calm himself ....

After he calmed himself he turn the page


Sun shining

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Sun shining....Waking up... seeing cute bunny..my life is a blessing...


IN LOVE WITH PAIN♡ S2Where stories live. Discover now