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Chim said am a dumb No, am not

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Chim said am a dumb
No, am not ...am not a dumb.i know what happening behind my back but I don't want to believe those . Because I failed.i failed to be a good husband good friend good lover to my Guk.... that's why he need someone other than me...it's all my fault.only mine...am the one who failed here ...ONLY ME!!!!


Knowing the person you loved is just using you for his experiment

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Knowing the person you loved is just using you for his experiment... I can't.....why am still alive??????

May be am a mistake of god

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May be am a mistake of god. That's why he trying his hard to make me suffer.but please its unbearable... don't kill me like this ..am already dead...please take me

please take me

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