Chapter 9: I Hate Reality

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I then woke up to the sound of footsteps, running up and down the hall. I checked the time on my phone, it was 5:50 in the morning. I was still close to Five, still having my head in his chest. I carefully and quietly got out of bed. I walked over to the door, and opened it gently. I stepped out, and closed the door behind me. I saw Harlan, standing by the stairs, and hitting the railing. I walked over there. "Hi, Harlan." He quickly turned around. "Hmm!" He said, hitting his arms on my shoulder. He then took my hand, and pulled me down the hall, leading me back to where the rooms are. He pulled me until we stopped in front of Aidens door. "Do you want to go in?" I asked. "Hmmm." Harlan replied, nodding his head. I carefully opened the door, and stepped in.
Since it was five in the morning, Aiden was obviously still asleep. I walked Harlan over to the bed, so I could tuck him in. "You know you're only gonna lay down with him for a few, right, Harlan?" I said, as I pulled the blanket over him. He nodded his head. Before I was about to walk away from the bed and leave, Harlan pulled me in for a hug. Once he pulled away, I walked out of the room. After I closed the door, I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen, and saw dried up blood on the floor. I grabbed a paper towel, and put it under the faucet, as the water came down. I turned it off and walked over to the spot. I tried to clean it up, but it wouldn't come off. It was permanently stained to the floor.
Honestly...I have no regrets. Luther got what he deserved. I got up from the floor, and bumped into someone. "Jesus christ!" I said, placing my hand over my heart. "You fucking scared me!" I said. "Sorry." Aiden replied. "And sorry again for not checking up on you yesterday, I was calming Harlan down." Although I already knew that, I nodded my head. "It's fine, but should he be upstairs by himself?" I said. "He's fine, he's with my dad." I nodded my head once more. "I know you really don't wanna hear this right now," Aiden began to say. I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say, "But, Ben's funeral is today at 2:00." I knew he was going to say something about Ben. "I'm heading back to bed." I said, walking past him and going up stairs, leaving him in the kitchen. I heard him call out my name, as if telling me to stay, but I continued walking. I walked back into my room, and Five was still sleeping. I got back in bed, and tried to go back to sleep. It was hard for me. How could the funeral already be today? That's when I realized. Who else is an asshole and would want his body out of the house? Luther Hargreeves. Somehow, I eventually fell back asleep.
"Y/n!" I heard a voice say. It scared me, so I automatically woke up. "What, what?" I said, looking at my surroundings before looking at the person responsible for waking me up. "Today is-" "I know what today is." I said, interrupting Diego. "Oh. Well, it starts at-" "I know when it starts." "Y/n." "What?" "It's 1:30." I looked at Diego, not wanting to believe a single word he just said. "You're joking, right?" I asked. "No, I'm not." "Shit, can you get out, so I can get ready?" I asked, getting up from my bed. Diego didn't respond, but he just walked out and closed the door. I went into my closet and pulled out a black dress. It was the same one I wore when I first met Ben.
I grabbed my heels and put them on. I got up from sitting on my bed, quickly ran into the bathroom, and closed the door behind me. After I was done washing my face and brushing my teeth, I plugged in my straightener. Once I was done waiting for it to heat up, I picked it up and started to do my hair. As I was doing it, I accidentally burned myself. "Ahh, shit!" I yelled. I quickly, but carefully, set the straightener down in the sink. I held onto my left hand. Then, I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. The door knob turned, and Five walked in. "Are you okay?" He asked, closing the door behind him. "Yeah, I just burned myself, I'm fine though." I said. Five walked closer to me and took my left hand into his hands. "Let me clean you up." He said, getting a small bottle of alcohol, a rag, and a bandage out of the small mirror, in the bathroom.
I hopped up, and sat down on the counter. "Okay, so this might sting a little bit." Five told me, putting a little bit of alcohol on the rag. I slowly nodded my head, to show that I understood. Five placed the rag on my hand, and used his right thumb to press down on it. I winced at the pain. Five then placed his other hand on my knee and gently squeezed it. Five removed the rag and started to wrap my hand in a bandage. "There. Try not to use your left hand so much, but it should be better by the end of the day." He informed me, as he was putting the stuff away. "Great." I said, sarcastically. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing, just annoyed." I said. I carefully got off the counter. "If you want I can straighten your hair?" Five asked, taking off his blazer. "You know how to straighten hair?" I asked, not believing what he just said.
"Yes, I do, now here." He said, opening the door and walking out. "Sit." He told me, walking back in, and opening a folding chair. I sat down. "Do you want me to hold your blazer?" I asked, it was resting on the counter (I didn't want it to get wet or anything). "No, it's fine." Five told me, as he was getting the straightener. Five started to do my hair, and he wasn't doing too bad. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Yeah, can we not talk about it?" I said. I know that the day has come, but I still really don't want to talk about it. About Ben.
After a few minutes, Five unplugged the straightener. "Done." I got up, and looked in the mirror. He did a great job. "Thanks." I said, kissing him on the cheek, and taking the straightener out of his hand. "Anytime, baby." We walked out, and I went to put my straightener away, as he went to put the chair away. Once I did, I walked out my room, and made my way downstairs. Everyone was waiting for me (except Five, he was still upstairs). "What happened, are you okay?" Diego asked, pointing to my hand. "Yeah, I just burned myself, I'm fine though." As I said that, I was looking at Luther. He had a bandage over his forehead. What can I say, that bitch got what he deserved. After a few minutes of no one saying anything, someone finally speaks. "Ready?" Allison asked. I nodded my head. Five came walking down the stairs after I nodded my head. "Let's go." Luther said. I don't even know why he would bother coming. He seemed happy that Ben was no longer moving. We all followed him to, and out the door. "Klaus and I, will take my car." Viktor said, holding his kids near (Klaus was doing the same with Jacob). "Okay." Luther replied.
I was really pissed that he was coming, and the way he responded, just sounded like this was some boring school event. Luther, Diego and Allison all sat on the front, and Five and I sat in the back. Luther looked at Diego and Allison, and then back at me and Five. Five was looking out the window, but I gave Luhther a dirty look. He rolled his eyes and faced back to the front. He started the car, and drove off. As the car was moving, I kept looking out the window, not saying anything. In fact, no one at all was talking. I then felt Five's soft hand land on my right knee. I looked at him, and smiled; he smiled back. My smile then faded away as I looked back, out the window.
We started to pull up into the parking lot at the church. Luther stopped the car. Everyone opened their doors and got out. After we got out, Viktor pulled up. Viktor parked next to us, and got out. Once Aiden was the last one to get out of the car, we all walked in together. We stepped into the church, and I already wanted to leave. "It's over here." Diego said, leading the way. Once we entered there was a table, and on it were pictures of Ben. He was smiling in all of them. He looked so happy. Once they all grabbed a photo, they started to walk up to the casket. Everyone, except me. I couldn't. I stood in the back, watching them go up, and then sit down, crying. As I was standing in the back, I saw Jill walk in. She was wearing a black, off the shoulder, dress.
"Hi, Y/n." She said in a soft voice. "Hey." I replied. Jill pulled me in for a hug. Once we pulled away, I saw tears in her eyes. She grabbed a photo of Ben, forced a smile at me, and then walked up to his casket. I remained in the back. After fifteen minutes (I was counting as time went by in my head), I see Five get up from his seat and walk up to me. "You okay?" He asked me. His face was red; I could tell he was crying. "No, I'm not. I hate The Handler. I hate her so much." As I said that, water started coming out of my eyes. Five pulled me in for a hug, and my head rested on his chest. "I'm here whenever you're ready." He told me. I pulled away from the hug, and put my right hand into his.
Together, we both walked down. Once we got to Ben's casket, I could feel that everyone's eyes were on us. I stood there, looking down at Ben. "I'm wearing the dress you said you loved, when we first met." I reached my right hand down, and rested it on top of Bens. "I love you, Ben. Your time on this earth was cut too soon." I said, with tears pouring down my face. With my hand still on his, I leaned over, and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I love you." I repeated once more, pulling my hand off of his. Five wrapped his arms around me, and we walked back to sit down. We took our seats in the third row (Five was sitting on the right side of me). After a few minutes, Allison walked up to the microphone, which was on the left side of the casket.
"Thank you all for coming," She began to say, "Before we begin, does anyone have anything to say?" The room was quiet. I raised my hand (it felt like I was in class). "Y/n." Allison said, stepping away from the mic. I got up from my seat and walked up. I hugged Allison before, getting too close to the mic. "Hi." I said, my voice was so shaky. "Ben Hargreeves was more than a brother. He was a friend, an uncle and a boyfriend. The number one thing I loved about him was the fact that he was there. He would listen. We have lost a great person today, and I honestly don't know why. What I do know is that we have to understand that Ben is in a better place now, and looking down on all of us." I wiped a few tears away, and stepped down from the mic. The room that was once quiet, became loud with everyone's applause.
I wasn't smiling or anything, though, when they applauded. I sat back down next to Five. He leaned over, and whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you." I could infer that he was happy that I actually got up to say something. "Does anyone else wish to speak?" Allison asked, looking at everyone. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, I saw Luther walking up. What the fuck does he have to say? "Hello, everyone. Um, I would first like to say that we have truly lost today." Person? What the fuck?! Is that all he saw Ben as? Just a person? "Ben was actually not always there, so Y/n needs to stop lying." I was moving my left leg up and down. Five seemed to have noticed because he set his hand on my thigh, making me stop. He gave me a confused look and then looked back at Luther.
"Ben's death wasn't an accident. It was all Y/n's fault. Ben would still be alive if Y/n wasn't such a dumbass." Allison pulled Luther by the arm, but Luther pushed her to the floor. Diego then stood up, and threw a knife at Luther. It hit Luther in his arm. He pulled it out, and kept it in his hands, as if wanting to use it to kill someone. He started to walk closer to us. Everyone got up from their seats, prepared to defend themselves. Viktor, however, looked scared, as he was holding Harlan back, away from Luther. Just then, Allison got up and put herself in front of Luther, and said, "I heard a rumor that you walked home." Luther's eyes went white. He dropped the knife, and walked out of the church. Everyone stayed standing, as if not sure of what to do next.
Allison walked back up the microphone, "We have a few more minutes to say our goodbyes to Ben." She said. She walked down, and came over to hug Viktor and Klaus (those three were inseparable). What bothered me the most was that everyone was just leaving, not saying their goodbyes. Five stayed with me though. "Do you wanna go up, one last time?" I asked, looking at the open casket, and then at Five. He nodded his head. I took his hand, and we walked up together. "Things sure won't be the same without you, Ben." Five said. "You just left and there's already drama." I said.
Diego then came up. "It's time." He said. After he said that, I held onto Ben's dead hand. It felt cold, and I hated that. "Please, Diego, no. What if he's sleeping?" I said. I really didn't want to sink in the fact that Ben was actually gone. "Y/n." Five said, placing his hand on my back. "No! Diego Hargreeves, I beg you, do not close this casket!" Five kept pulling me away, my hand slowly getting out of reach from Ben's. I was crying, I didn't want to say goodbye yet. Five pulled me away, and I dropped to my knees as Diego closed the casket. I started to cry harder. Five pulled me in close. "Allison!" Diego yelled. I heard heels hitting the ground, and getting closer and closer. "What is it?" She asked. No one said anything, and I wasn't looking at them, my eyes were looking at the ground as I cried.
Allison walked closer to me, and kneeled down in front of me. I pulled my head away from Five, and looked at her. "I heard a rumor," She said, her voice quivering, with tears in her eyes, "that you fell asleep." I could feel my own eyes turn white, before I fell back and went to sleep.
I then got up from a cold cloth touching my left hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Aiden said. I looked down at what I'm wearing and I assumed it was Five again. "Was this?" I asked, pulling my shirt a little down and sitting up on my bed. Aiden nodded his head, "Five." I then realized that the bandage that was wrapped around my hand was gone. I raised my hand, showing it to Aiden. "Five did that, too." He replied, setting the cloth down on my nightstand. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Jacob and Klaus went to go see Ben get buried, Harlan's with my dad, in his room, watching TV, Diego is sleeping, Luther's working out in his room, and Allison is in her room, crying." I looked Aiden in the eyes, after he told me what Allison was doing. "Why is she crying?" I asked. "She rumored you. Which is something, she said, she never thought she had to do." I know that most people aren't really supposed to remember being rumored, but I did.
"I mean, I'm not mad at her. I did deserve to be rumored, but it's hard to lose someone." I admitted. Aiden nodded his head, "I know what it's like." I looked at him confused. "I lost my mom." He said. I looked at his hand, and then at him. He seemed to have noticed where my eyes shifted from. He nodded his head, and moved his left hand out, in front of me. I placed my left hand on the bottom and my other on top. I closed my eyes, and let my powers do the rest.
I saw Aiden and Harlan, playing in front of a blue barn, while a woman, with beautiful blonde hair, clear skin, and blue eyes, was watching them on the front porch. Harlan looked to be four (he's six now), and Aiden looked sixteen (he's nineteen now). I then see Viktor walk out of the barn. "Hey, Sissy." He said, he bent down and gave her a kiss. Viktor sat down next to her, and watched Aiden and Harlan as they played tag.
That's when I saw Harlan stopped running. "What's wrong?" Aiden asked, from a distance. Harlan came running over to Aiden and hid behind him. Aiden looked at Harlan and then picked his head up (looking straight ahead). "Dad, Mama!" Aiden said, picking up Harlan and running towards them. Viktor and Sissy got up to their feet and ran over. Then, there was a man, holding a gun. "What do you want, Carl?!" Sissy yelled. "Oh, so you left me for a girl?!" He shouted back. He sounded disgusted as if being a homosexual was wrong. "Viktor is a man." Sissy stated. Viktor put his arms in front of Sissy, and his kids. "Leave." Viktor said through his teeth. "I don't think so." Carl replied. He held the gun up, his finger on the trigger. "NO!" Sissy screamed, as she pushed Viktor, Harlan and Aiden to the ground. As Carl pulled back the trigger, the bullet flew out and hit Sissy in the chest.
I let go of Aiden's hand, and came back to reality. I looked up at him, he had tears in his eyes. "Aiden, I'm so sorry." I said, pulling him in for a hug; he hugged be back. "I don't think I should have seen that." I said, once we pulled away. I shouldn't have looked at his hand in the first place. "It's fine, really." He said. As I was looking at Aiden, from the corner of my eye, I could see the door open. "Hey, Y/n, can I talk to you?" Allison asked. I nodded my head. Aiden got off from my bed, and walked out the room. Allison came more into the room. I got up as she walked in. She gave me a big hug. "I'm so sorry." She said. By the sound of her voice, I could tell she was trying so hard not to cry again.
We pulled away, and sat down on my bed. "Allison-" "No, don't tell me it's fine, because it's really not." She said, Allison picked up my hands, and put them in hers. "I wasn't ready to let Ben go, Allison. What you did was fine. You might not think that, but I know that what you did was fine." Allison slowly nodded her head, and hugged me again. "I'll let you sleep." She said, getting up from the bed, and walking to the door. "Good night, Y/n." She smiled. "Night, Allison," I replied. She closed the door behind her. I looked out the window, it was dark. I then looked at the time on my phone. It was 10:45. How could I have never noticed how dark, and late it was? I got up, and turned off the light. The only light that was in the room was the street light outside. I put my head on my pillow, and pulled my soft blanket over my body. I closed my eyes, and realized that Five wasn't with me.

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