Chapter 13: Welcome Back

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We pulled away, and I said, "I have to be right back, but please make yourself comfortable." Lila nodded her head, and I got up and walked out. I hit my knuckle against Five's door (which was open). "Hi, sorry it took so long." I said, walking in, and sitting next to Five. For some reason, Five was sitting on the floor. "No, worries. I just wanted you in here, because I haven't really spent much time with you." "Can we go into my room for a sec?" I said. I felt bad; All Five wanted to do is be with me, but I completely forgot about something. "Sure, what for?" "I need to fix Grace." Five looked at me surprised. "W-wait. You found Mom?" He said. "Aiden and I found her, and I was going to fix her, but I need the tool box from Aiden." "Well, come on, let's go!" Five cheered, as he got up.
I stood up as well, and Five and I walked into Aiden's room. "Aiden-" My smile slowly disappeared as I said his name. "What. The Fuck. Did. You. Do?" I said. Aiden was standing up, with a bloody knife, and blood stains on his clothes. Jacob was on the floor. Dead. I went over and snacthed the knife out of his hand. I pushed him against the wall, and put my left arm on his neck. Now that I have the knife, it was inches away from his stomach. I made my eyes turn red, and a red force was surrounding Aiden and I, blocking anyone out if they tried to come near us. "You have got about thirty seconds to tell me what you did, and why, before I kill you!" I said, raising my voice. "Two words: The. Handler." Aiden said. I didn't want to believe him. "I'm gonna need you to explain more." I said. "Jacob came into my room, because he thought I was still sleeping. When he did come in, he was talking to The Handler on the phone. He was planning to kill you. So, in a way, I just saved you." Aiden said. I stepped back, moving my arm away from his neck, and pulled the knife back. My eyes went back to E/C (your eye color), and the red force disappeared. "Why are you guys here?" Aiden asked, looking at Five, and then at me. "We wanted to see if the toolbox was in here, so we could fix Grace." Five said. "Do you need any help?" Aiden asked. I wanted to say no, but he did help me find her, and I did almost kill him.
"Yeah, sure." I said. Aiden grabbed the tool box, and I led the way out. All three of us went into my room. "Hey, Lila, we're gonna fix Grace." I said. "I'm sorry, but who?" She said. "Right. Can one of you catch her up? I have to do something." "Yeah, no worries." Five said. Before I left, Five pulled me in, and kissed me. "I love you, baby." He whispered in my ear. I smiled as I walked out. That's when I realized that I haven't kissed Five in a while, and I was really happy that we did. I walked down the hall, and down the stairs. I looked around as I was finding my way to the kitchen. Viktor, Harlan and Allison all fell asleep on the couch. Harlan was laying down with Viktor, and Allison was sleeping on another couch. When I was about to walk into the kitchen, someone grabbed my arm. I turned around, and punched whoever was behind me. It was Diego. "Yup, I deserved that." He said. "Shit, I'm sorry!" I said. "That doesn't matter now, Aiden told me he killed Jacob, what are we gonna do with the body?" "Can you deal with it?" I said. I know it sounded bitchy as I said that, but I really wanted to reunite with Kylie, and Jacob could have killed me. Along with that, I still had to tell Klaus.
I walked into the kitchen to Kylie laughing. "Oh, hey, Y/n." Klaus said, giving me a little wave. "Hi, are you two busy?" I asked. "No, not at all. Do you want to talk to her?" Klaus asked. I nodded my head. "Okay, I'll be in my room." Klaus said, getting up and grabbing a cup of orange juice. Before he could walk past me, I grabbed his right arm. "I have to talk to you after." I whispered into his ear. Klaus looked at me worried, but managed to say, "Um, okay." I let go of his arm, and he continued to walk. I then walked over and sat down next to Kylie. "Hi, Y/n." She said. "Wow, surprised you remembered me." I said. "Of course, I remember you, but how come you don't- or should I say didn't, remember me?" Kylie asked. I then told her everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! From when I still lived with The Handler, all the way to now. "Holy, shit. You've gone through so much. I'm so sorry." She said. "I would say it's fine, but it's not." I said.
"By the way, I have a question." I said. "Yeah, what is it?" Kylie responded. "Well, Lila told me how and why she got put in the basement, but why did you?" I asked. I realized that I didn't mention this to Lila. "That's the thing, I'm not sure. I think it was because I had powers. You know The Handler, she will do anything, and will kidnap as many children as she wants, just to be in power, and make things go her way." I nodded my head. "I think she's after me." I said. "Why do you think that?" Kylie asked, getting up from her seat and walking over to the coffee machine. "Well, for the longest time, she was 'my Mother' and she raised me. To her, I was powerful, but now I know that's all she wanted me for." I said. "Damn, that must be really hard." Kylie said, as she walked back and set a cup of black coffee in front of me. "Thanks." I said, as I took a sip. "When was the last time you used your powers?" Kylie questioned. "Well, do you know what my powers are?" I asked, I don't want to tell her the last time I used them, if she doesn't know what they are. "Yeah, Klaus told me." "Remember when I told you how I had to fight Diego and Luther?" I said, seeing if Kylie remembered me telling her that.
I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. "Yeah, I do." Wow, I'm surprised that she did remember, "That was the last time." I said. I was going to tell her how I kind of used them on Aiden, but that didn't really seem that important to share. Besides, I didn't actually use them. I know I am always using my "see the past power" but my telekinesis is the one I haven't used in a while. "What about you?" I asked. "I, honestly, don't remember." Kylie told me. "The last animal I remember turning into was a coyote, but I completely forgot what the reason was." Kylie laughed. I laughed as well. "What about the last time you knew how someone felt, or what their thoughts were?" I asked. "A few hours ago, I did it on Aiden, to see how he felt when he finally saw me." Kylie said. "I didn't see your eyes turn purple, though?" I added. "No one was looking at me when I did it." I nodded my head, to let her know that I understood. "Um, I gotta head back up stairs, to tell Klaus the news, and to fix Grace. "Mind if I tag along?" Kylie asked. I had no problem with it. "Yeah, of course, let's go." Kylie and I got up, and I put my cup into the sink.
We, quietly, walked past Viktor, Harlan and Allison, as they were still sleeping, and walked up the stairs. "My room is right there," I said, pointing to the door, "I'll be there in a minute, I need to talk to Klaus." "Good luck." Kylie said, her eyes went from the floor to my eyes. She turned herself away from me, and went into my room. I took a deep breath, and knocked on Klaus's door. "Come in!" I heard his voice say. I opened the door and popped my head in. "Hey." I said, showing no expression. "Come sit down." Klaus said, patting his bed. I sat down in front of him, and crossed my legs. "What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked. I took his hands into mine. "I can already tell this isn't going to be good." Klaus said, with worriedness in his voice.
"Klaus," I started to say, "Aiden killed Jacob." I said. Klaus looked at me, with a few tears slowly falling out of his eyes. "W-what?" He said. "It's true. Aiden overheard him on the phone, talking to The Handler. He was planning to kill me." I said. Klaus started to cry more, and I pulled him in for a hug. "I really don't know how to feel about this." He said. "I-I mean, he was my son, but then he could have killed you." We pulled away from the hug, and I looked at him. "Can I be left alone, please?" Klaus said. "Of course. Just let me know if you need anything." I said. I gently squeezed his left hand, before getting up and leaving. I closed the door behind me as I walked out. I then walked over to my room, and opened the door. "Okay, let's fix her." I said, as I closed the door and walked over to Grace. I lifted her up, and took the blanket off of her. I opened up the toolbox and went to work.
After centuries of working, I finally finished. All that I have to do now, is to stitch up her wrist. "Well, it looks like I'm gonna have a long talk with mom about you and Lila." Five said, he was smiling at Grace. I could tell that he was really happy and excited that this was happening. "No need, I added a program where she knows who me and Lila are." I said, still stitching her wrist up. "Damn, you're so smart." Five said, he leaned over and gave me a kiss on my right cheek. I could feel myself blushing. "And...done!" I said. Grace started to slowly move her finger tips, and then her hand. Now, Grace was moving. "Hi, you must be Y/n. Thank you for fixing me." Grace said. Her voice sounded so nice and gentle. I helped her get up to her feet. "Diego!" I called out. After eight seconds (yes, I was counting) Diego came into my room. "Yeah, what-" Diego stopped talking after he saw Grace.
"M-mom?" He said. Grace walked closer to Diego. "I-I've m-m-" "Remember Diego, just picture the word in your mind." Grace said. "I've missed you, Mom." Diego walked out with Grace, with a big smile on his face. "Well, it's late, so I'm gonna head to bed." Aiden said, grabbing Kylie's hand. "See you tomorrow, goodnight." Kylie said, as Aiden was pulling her hand to walk out of the room. "Night, you two." I said. "Lila, I'm gonna go sleep with Five in his room, so you can be in here." "Okay, that's fine. I will beat your ass if you do anything, Hargreeves." Lila said. Five and I laughed a little as she said that. "Here are some pajamas." I said, handing her some. "Thanks, Sparrow." Lila replied. "Anytime, Dove." I replied. I grabbed a pair of black cotton shorts, and a white tank top, before I left Lila in the room.
I went into the bathroom and quickly changed. I went back into my room and put my dirty clothes in my purple bin. "Good night, Lila." I said, putting my arms around her. "Night, Y/n." She replied. I left the room, and walked into Five's. "Finally, I can have you all to myself." Five said, as I laid down next to him. "Can we do something tomorrow? We haven't done anything together in a long time." Five asked. "Yeah, I would love that." I said. Five placed his right hand on my cheek, and pulled me in for a kiss. None of us pulled away from the kiss, yet. I didn't want us to. It felt nice to actually kiss Five again. We then, both, pulled away. I flipped over onto my left side, and Five wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you, baby." He muffled into my neck. He placed his lips on my neck, but then pulled them away. "I love you, too, Hargreeves." I said. I then closed my eyes, and finally went to sleep.

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