Chapter 12: Back To The Past

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I felt my heart sink deep down in my stomach. "W-what?" I said. "Look for yourself." he said, turning the file over to me, as it was still open. I took it into my hands and read through. He was right. I am Lila's sister. "What the fuck?" I said. I skimmed through the rest of the page, but it didn't say where she was located. I was also kind of hoping that it would say something about our parents. "Let's find Kylie, and then we can worry about Lila when we get home." Aiden said. I wanted to smack this kid. I was so annoyed how I just figured out that I have an older sister, and now he's telling me to worry about it later. To be fair, Kylie is his girlfriend. So, I guess she's more important. I let my anger leave my body.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go." I said. I put the key in my pocket, and gave Five the file back. We all walked out, and searched for this "secret room." Years went by (it's only been two hours), and still nothing. "Where the hell could this room be?" I said. I was kind of talking to myself, and not really to the boys. We were already downstairs, because we've searched all of the other floors. "Let's just go-" "Wait, what's that?" Aiden asked, interrupting Five. "What's, what?" I said, confused on what the hell this kid was looking at. "That." He said, walking away from Five and I, and kneeling on the ground. Five and I walked over to him. A wooden plank was lifted up a little bit. Aiden pulled it up more, and took it out of the floor. There were stairs. "Pull more out." Five said, kneeling down as well and helping Aiden. In total, they pulled out six planks. "Does anyone have their phone with them?" Five asked, "I left mine at home." Aiden and I checked our pockets. "I do!" We both said at the same time. "What percent?" Five said, looking at me. "Uh, damn it, fifteen." I said. "Let's use mine, it's at eighty." Aiden said. I put my phone back in my pocket, as Aiden turned the flashlight on, on his phone.
"Lead the way." Five said. Aiden was the first to go down the stairs, I followed behind him, and Five was behind me. The stairs were creaking with every step we took. I kept thinking that they were gonna break or some shit. "Damn, how far down is this?" Five said. "Not sure, but I think we're almost there." Aiden replied. After a while, Aiden fell face first into the ground. "Holy shit, are you okay?!" I asked, quickly kneeling down and helping him get up. "Yeah, I didn't see that last step, but we made it." He said. Aiden moved his phone around the room. "Hargreeves, hit the light switch." Aiden said. Five nodded his head, and walked over to the switch. He turned it on, and the room became bright. Aiden turned off the flashlight on his phone, and put it in his pocket. "There's the door." Five said.
        I walked closer to the door, and put the key in. I turned it and opened the door. When the door fully opened, I saw Kylie and Lila. They were both sitting on the floor, with their legs crossed, facing each other. "Aiden?" Kylie said. I stepped away from the door, and pulled Five back with me. Kylie got up and ran to Aiden. "I've missed you." She said, setting her head on his shoulder. "I've missed you, too." Aiden replied. They pulled away from the hug, and Kylie kissed Aiden. I then see Aiden, look over Kylie's shoulder, and then back at me. He tilted his head at the room, as if telling me to go in. I walked in, and saw Lila, standing there. "Y/n?" She said. I walked more into the room, and grabbed her hand. I walked her out and asked, "Can I see your hand?" "M-my hand?" Lila said, sounding very confused. "Trust her." Five said. Lila looked at him and then back at me. Lila put her right hand out; I covered it with my hands, and closed my eyes.
I saw myself, and I looked to be around twelve, and Lila looked to be twenty. We were both sitting in the living room, watching TV with two people, who were also sitting on the couch. Their faces were blurred out, which really annoyed me. Nothing serious was happening, so I "fast forward" the time. I stopped the time when I heard gunshots go off. Lila and I ducked down, in front of the couch, hoping no one would see us. "Go hide in the closet!" A lovely voice said. Lila and I both got up, and bolted into the closet. The front door busted open and two armed men pushed the people to the ground, pointing guns at their heads. My younger self was crying, and Lila was covering my mouth so they wouldn't hear me. I closed my eyes, and by the time I opened them, (from my point of view, not my younger selves point of view) the people stopped moving.
I let go of Lila's hand, and hugged her. "I have more to tell you, but I will tell you later." She said. I nodded my head. "Not to ruin the moment, but I think we have to go." Five said. "Okay, let's- Aiden, are you okay?" I asked. Aiden was looking at the ground, trying to catch his breath. "I-I've been u-using my powers f-for too long." "Aiden, calm down." Kylie said, rubbing his back. Aiden then collapsed to the ground. I ran over to him, and Kylie was holding onto his hand. "Holy shit, look at his eyes." Kylie said, looking at Aiden and then up at me. Aiden's eyes looked like a T.V turning on and off. His eyes went from dark green, to brown; over and over again. Aiden's eye's closed, and he stopped moving. "Aiden? Aiden!" Kylie said, shaking his body. "Shit, time is moving!" I said. "Five, pick him up, we have to leave now!" I shouted. Five handed me Lila's file and picked up Aiden from the ground.
"Have you teleported more than two people before?" I asked. "No, I haven't!" Five said. I don't know about anyone else, but I heard footsteps walking down. "Who the fuck did this?!" "The Handler!" Kylie whisper-yelled. "Five, you're gonna have to try now." I said. "Okay, I'll try,'' he said. The footsteps were getting louder. Quickly, Lila and myself held onto Five's shoulders, and Kylie held onto Lila's other hand, but held onto my wrist (I was holding Lila's file so she couldn't hold onto my hand. Five closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. A blue force was surrounding us, and Kylie, Lila and I were looking at each other and then at Five. I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to see what would happen. The next thing I knew, my body hit the ground really hard, and I could tell that I fell about ten feet from the teleportation portal.
I opened my eyes as I was trying to get up from the floor. We were in the living room, with everyone's eyes on us. After I got up, everybody else did as well. I looked around, Aiden was still unconscious. "What the hell happened?" Viktor said, getting up and picking up Aiden from Five's arms (Five was still on the floor). I couldn't even speak. My body was so sore, that words couldn't even come out of my mouth. "Kylie?" Klaus said, getting up from the couch and kneeling down next to her. Klaus helped her get up and walked her over to the kitchen. I saw Five laying down, and crawled my way over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I am." Five said, "Meet me in my room, when you're done talking to Lila." Five said, as he was getting up, leaving me on the floor. I nodded my head, and he walked upstairs. I then turned my head, now looking at Lila. "Are you okay?" Lila asked, making her way over to me. "Yeah, I'm fine. If you want, we can talk now?" I said, trying to get up. "Okay." Lila replied, getting up as well. We both got up and started to walk towards the stairs. As we were walking, I saw Klaus setting a bowl of something in front of Kylie. By the look of that, I could tell that Kylie and Klaus had a strong friendship.
Lila and I walked upstairs. "My room is right there, I will be there in a sec." I said. Lila nodded her head, and walked into my room. I then walked into Aidens. He was still unconscious as he was laying down on his bed. "How is he?" I asked. Viktor was sitting by Aiden's feet. "He's fine, not sure when he will wake up though." Viktor said. "Let me know when he does." I said, walking away from the door. I walked into my room, and saw Lila sitting on my bed, and looking around my room. "You like it?" I said, as I was leaning against my door frame. Lila quickly turned her head over at me, startled at what I had just said. "Yeah, I do. It looks really nice." She replied. I sat down next to her and asked, "What did you want to tell me?"
"I wanted to tell you about The Handler, and why she took us, but hid me." Lila said, as she was looking down at her bracelet and then back up at me. "As you know, you were twelve  and I was twenty when two people were shot at our home. Just to let you know, they weren't our parents." I looked at her puzzled. "Then, who were they?" I asked. "Our tia and tio." Lila said. "Okay, I'm going to need names." I said. I wasn't trying to be rude, but my life has been fucked up so far, so I would at least like to know names. "Tia Roise, and Tio Mark." Lila replied. "Okay." I said, while moving my head up and down, so she knows when to start talking again. "I took care of you for a year. It wasn't really easy, but it was worth it. The Handler came over a few days after you turned thirteen. She, somehow, knew that we had powers. We knew we had powers, but we tried to lie to her and tell her how we have no idea what she is talking about. She still took us in, and trained us." Lila stopped for a moment, taking a break from talking.
"I do remember the training." I said. "That's good. Well, after she trained you, she moved onto me. I lost control of my powers, and almost ended the world. So, she wanted to hide me, away from everyone; especially you." I held back tears as she said that. Lila is my sister, that was kept away from me for so long. She then continued, "Once you started to ask for me, she injected you with this serum, which made you forget everything. Including your training." "Then how come I remember training with her?" I asked. "That was after she made you forget." Lila said. It was quiet for a few. I don't know what she was thinking or doing in those silent seconds, but I, for one, was trying to process what I have just been told. "Do you want to know about Mom and Dad?" Lila asked. "Yes, please." I responded. "Jane was mom's name. She always stayed home, so she could look out for us. Mom was always so scared to leave the house, even if Dad was with us, she wouldn't want to." "Mom sounds like she was really caring." I said, smiling at my own comment. "You look like her." Lila said.
I smiled bigger. At least Lila can see Mom when she looks at me. "Ryan was Dad's name. He was the one working. Always leaving to provide the best for our family, and making sure that the food stayed on the table, and that there will always be a roof over our little heads. Dad worked at the grocery store. It might not seem like much, but dad, sometimes, wouldn't even come home for a week. They were treating him like shit, because he was the only Mexican working there, and he barely understood English." At first, I was happy learning about Dad, until I figured out that they treated him differently, just because of his cultural background. "Anyways, The Handler kept me down in the basement for two years, without seeing anyone. The only thing I got to see was her bitchy face. Until, she let me see Mom and Dad one last time." "Did they die?" I asked. There was that little hope in me that they would still be alive. "Just wait, Y/n." Lila said. I already knew the answer to my own question. "Mom and Dad came in and both gave me big hugs. Mom gave me this bracelet, and said that I must always wear it, and you will soon be able to have the same one I have, but that clearly didn't end well."
I tried really hard to ignore Lilas comment about Mom, but it was hard to. "The last thing Mom said to me was, 'When you get out of here, find your sister, and protect her. Tell her that I love her so much and that I miss her.'" A few tears slowly rolled down my face. Lila, too, was crying. "Dad then told me, 'Quiero que recuerdes que eres mi palomita, no importa lo grande que seas. No te preocupes por mí y tu madre, estaremos bien. Cuida al gorrión. No solo para nosotros, sino para ti. Ella es todo lo que te queda ahora.'" "Lila, I'm gonna need you to translate." I said, laughing slightly. "Right, sorry." She said, laughing a little as well. "He said, 'I want you to remember that you are my little Dove, no matter how big you get. Don't worry about me and your mother, we will be fine. Take care of Sparrow. Not just for us, but for you. She's all you have left now.'" Dad sounded really wise.
"Sparrow?" I said. "That's what he used to always call you." Lila answered. "Then what?" I asked, wanting her to continue. "Then we said our goodbyes, but the goodbyes are something I will never forget." Lila said, her voice was very shaky. "The Handler came back in and escorted them out. She closed the door then locked it. I was watching them, and then she shot Mom, in the head, right in front of me. Dad punched her in the face, and she fell to the ground. He tried to open the door for me, but I told him to leave, and he did." Lila was in tears. I hugged her tightly. "Dad is still alive, but I don't know where he is." Lila said. We pulled away from the hug, and looked at each other. "So, any questions?" Lila said. She was wiping away her tears, but laughed a little. "No, but I am just really happy that we found you." I said, leaning in for like the hundreth hug in a row.

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