Chapter 17: Enough, Is Enough

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I was really anxious about this. You do not want to know how many times I wanted to stop the car, or how many times I wanted to say, "Let's just go home." I wasn't nervous about fighting, I was nervous about seeing The Handler. I haven't seen her in a beautiful, glorious month. We stopped at a red light and my phone started ringing. "Five, can you get my phone for me?" I asked. My phone was next to me, but the light just turned green. "It's Viktor." He said, as he looked down at my phone. "Answer it." I told him. Five clicked the "accept" button, and put the phone to his left ear. "Hello?" I heard him say. It was quiet for a while until Five said, "Vikor wants to know if we're almost there." "Yeah, we are about to be there in like, two minutes." I said. Five repeated what I just said to Viktor, and shortly after, hung up. Five set my phone down back next to me. I guess it was less than two minutes, because we had just arrived.
We pulled up, and all got out of the car. "I want this bitch dead." Lila said, angrily. We all stood, kind of in a line, in front of this shitty place. "Why are we just standing here?" Diego asked. "Do you want us to go knock and say, 'Hey, we're here to fight you!'?" Five said, as he was looking at Diego like he was the dumbest person in the world. "Dumbass." I heard Five whisper under his breath. "She knows we're here. The Commission has eyes everywhere." I said, as I looked around to see if I could spot anyone. Then, The Handler came out. I felt my heart sink deep into my stomach. She was standing at least 15 feet away from us. "Welcome, back, Y/n." The Handler said, acting all sweet, and shit. "Oh, and it's nice to see you two, as well." She said, looking at Kylie and then at Lila. As I looked at Kylie, she moved her body forward a little bit. From the corner of my eye, I saw Diego take one of his knives out of his pocket.
"I'm willing to make a deal." The Handler said, looking at everyone. "You all can go home, and I won't ever bother you again, in return for Y/n, Lila, and Kylie." My eyes widened. Everyone looked at Lila, Kylie, me, and then at each other. "Not a chance." Diego said. He throws one of his knives at her, but then a recruit jumps in the way, and catches it. "We can still fight her; there's ten of us and only one of her." Aiden said. I could see The Handler's smirk from afar. She snapped her fingers, and then about a hundred recruits came out of nowhere, surrounding all of us. "Shit." We all said, completely unplanned. "Let's get this over with, shall we?" The Handler said. She pulls out a red flag, and hangs it up to her head. She drops it, and the recruits start shooting. My eyes turned red, and I quickly, made the bullets turn around, and hit the people with stupid animal masks instead. Aiden stopped time on another half, and somehow made all of them shoot themselves. As I looked over to my right I saw Klaus, and he did something that amazed me. He brought Ben back. Although it was him as a ghost, I still loved seeing him. Ben lifted up his shirt and tentacles came out of his torso.
Although I wanted to forever cherish this moment, I knew that me seeing Ben could wait. As I turned around, a recruit was behind me, and he put me in a chokehold. I couldn't scream, and this person had such a strong grip that I couldn't get out of. My eyes were about to shut, forever. That's when someone pulled the person's head back, and said, "I heard a rumor you stopped breathing." As I dropped to my knees and held my neck into my right hand, I looked back and saw Lila. As I got up, I saw The Handler look up, and then run to the back of The Commission. I looked up to where she was looking, and saw Viktor and Harlan, in the air, collecting soundwaves. I got a flashback from the dance at the Grand Hall, and remembered that Viktor protected her siblings, and force field isn't even her power. Everyone was kind of close together, so I made my eyes turn red, and I put my arms out, above my head.
"Y/n, what the hell are you-" Diego started to say. He then saw Viktor and Harlan and knew what I was doing. Viktor looked at Harlan, as he looked at him and, at the same time, they both released the soundwaves they had both collected. It killed every recruit that wasn't already dead. When I put my arms down, the force field came down with it. "Five!" I called out. He stopped teleporting and looked over in my direction. "She's in the back!" I said. All of us then ran to the back. When we all got there, we were looking around, trying to find her. Then the sound of gunshots started to flow into my ears. I fell to the ground, as I felt a bullet hit my right side. The Handler shot everyone, and they were all dead. "F-five?" I said, as I reached for his hand. He got a hold of it, and held on tight. The Handler then came over to me and Five. "Oh, you're both still alive." She said, looking at us. "At least you'll get to see how this all played out." She said, pointing the gun at Five's head. "Wait, wait!" I said. The Handler moved her eyes over to me. "Kill me, please." I said, tears going down my face. "Y-Y/n, n-no. Don't do this!" Five said, his voice breaking. The Handler looked at Five, and then at me. She then moved the gun, and pointed it to my head. I thought that at this moment, I was taking my last breath. This was my last touch, of holding Five's hand, and the last person I would see is The Handler, pointing a gun at me. That's when my body started to slowly get up.
The Handler was moving backwards. I looked over to my right, and saw that Five was time traveling back in seconds. As Five held onto my hand, we were running through time. It was so weird seeing time reverse. When we stopped running, everyone was alive and moving. Five saw The Handler approaching, so he pulled the gun towards him, and kicked her in the stomach, making her fall down. Everyone came rushing over, standing over her. "You made my life a living hell." I said. "You kept Lila away from me, and you've kept me trapped inside for as long as I could remember!" I shouted. I felt my eyes turn red. Lila held onto my right hand, as her eyes were turning red as well. Viktor held onto my other hand, as his eyes turned blue. Harlan joined in as well, and his eyes were the same as Viktor's. The Handler was scooting back, while struggling to get back up. Suddenly, a huge explosion broke out of our hands, and hit The Handler. We let go, and walked over to her. She was dead. I sighed and started crying of joy. Five came over to me, and hugged me tight. "You did it." he whispered to me. Everyone joined in, and it became a huge group hug. After everyone pulled away, we got into the cars and went home. Five offered to drive, because he saw how tired I was. The car ride was very peaceful; no one was saying anything. I laid my head down on Five's right shoulder and I rested my eyes. I wasn't asleep for the whole ride; I woke up a few minutes before the car came to a stop.
I lifted my head from Five's shoulder, and got out of the car. Everyone had someone to walk in with. Allison and Diego wrapped their arms around each other, Klaus was walking with Lila (I feel a new friendship will be growing), Viktor was carrying Harlan (he was sleeping), Aiden was walking with Kylie, and I was with Five (obviously). "Hey, Y/n, I'm gonna head home." Lila told me. "It's a little late, do you want to spend the night?" I offered, there was no way I was going to let her go home this late. "I can teleport, remember?" She said, looking at Five and then at me. "Right." I said, laughing a little. I forgot that she can mirror anyone's power. Lila hugged me, and I hugged back. "Good night, Dove." I said. "Night, Sparrow." Lila replied, as we pulled away. Lila then teleported home. "Let's head to bed." Five said, as he took my hand into his. He teleported us to his room, and we changed into our pajamas. When we laid down, he wrapped his warm hands around my waist. "I love you, baby." "I love you, too, Hargreeves." What I have been through is something I will never forget.

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