New job?!

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Chloe's POV
June 2nd 1983

Thank god it's the weekend. As I rolled out of the bed reading the time 10:02am. Heading downstairs mom and El were eating eggos. "Good morning everyone!" Both saying goodmorning I sat myself down at the table. "Hey honey, I was thinking you could get a job? Since it's almost summer." My mom said while handing me eggos. "I mean I guess I could look? I can't make any promises" "on your way could you drop El off at the arcades?" "Sure no problem." Finishing up my waffle I headed upstairs to change."

Picking out a tight white shirt sleeve shirt with denim overalls. "How about my high top converse?" I chuckled because I always wear them. I walked downstairs while putting on tinted lip gloss. "Hey El you ready?" Grabbing my car keys.

I dropped El off at the arcade and began my search for a job. My first stop was the local grocery store... no luck. My next stop was at a restaurant... also no luck. I pulled up to a yarn shop. "Hey I'm Chloe, I was just wondering if you're hiring?" "Well Chloe, I'm sorry but we don't need much help here. Summer times is when it starts to slow down." The manager said while giving a small smile. "Well thank you..." "Hey Chloe wait. I know a friend who's looking for help! Here's the address. Hope you're a good swimmer." The manager said while weighing the address down on a small piece of paper. "Thank you!"

"This should be the address... public pool!?" I walked to the front desk. "Hey I'm Chloe, I'm looking for John?" "Hey John! You got someone here for ya." A girl at the front desk said while smacking her bubble gum. I waited while he came out.

"Oh Chloe! My friend already called me." John said while shaking my hand. "You're just in luck! Im in serious need of a life gaurd." Handing me papers and a uniform. "You're in luck too because I would be more than happy to work here!" Taking the things he handed me. "Perfect! Show up here tomorrow at 10 and I'll show you around!" I nodded and headed home.

El told me to pick her up at 3. I pulled up to the arcade when the blue Camaro came pulling up next to me. Music was blasting so loud from his car I didn't even hear El get into the car. I watched as the red haired girl gave El a wave and headed into the blue Camaro. I made eye contact with the boy driving the Camaro. He blasted his music louder and drove off. "Geez, guess this town is all about being cool." El and I chuckled as we drove off back home.

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