What did he say?

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Chloe's POV
June 3rd 1983

Hearing that annoying alarm sound. I looked over and saw it was 9:05am. "OH SHIT!" I ran out of bed and put on my outfit I picked out from last night. *blue denim shirt with a pink tank top. Running down the kitchen and grabbing an apple. "Woah eating breakfast fast this morning?" My mom chuckled while saying goodbye to Hopper. "My new job starts at 10!" I said while eating as fast as I can. After finishing I headed back up stairs brushed my teeth and my hair. "Goodbye mom! Love you!" Grabbing my keys and left.

Pulling up to the pool I started to feel nervous. "I've only baby sat before..." I took a deep breath and stepped out of my car. I walked up to the front and was greeted by John. "Hey Chloe! Just in time. I'll show you around!" I followed him while he walked me into the looker room. "This is heather. Heather this is Chloe. She's gonna be working here." John said while looking at heather. "Hey girl!" Heather said while smiling. I gave a small smile while saying hello.

We walked out of the looker room. He explained our schedule, changing, hours, pay and so on. Lastly he showed me the swimming area. "This is our swimming pool. If you see a kid running don't be afraid to tell them to walk" John said while pointing at a sign that said (no running.) we walked towards the life guard tower. *in mind* "oh no, is that the boy who drives the Camaro?!" "This is one of our good looking guys out here! Billy this is Chloe." Billy pulled down his sun glasses and putting them in his mouth. "Hello dar." He said while giving a smile. I gave a polite wave and an awkward smile.

We walked away and headed back to the front desk. "I really hope this job works out for you. Hope to see you monday afternoon. Here's your schedule." John handed me the schedule. "Thank you so much." As I walked away back to my car.

*in mind* "I can't believe Camaro boy works here..." I glismp at the time. "OH I need to get going! Nancy and Steve are picking me up!" I started my car and drove home.

After showering I picked out an outfit. *light blue Jean shorts and a black tight tank/crop top. I curled my hair with my rollers (I got for Christmas last year). Putting on black/hot pink earrings. Using a little bit of tinted lip gloss and giving a kissy face in front of the mirror. I chuckled as I heard a car horn in my driveway. "They're here!" I shot up and ran towards the door. "You guys have fun!" My mom shouted as I walked out the door. Nancy waited for me outside the car door. "AHH! You look so beautiful Cho!" Nancy said while giving me a hug. I looked over at Steve who said "alright girls get in. Let's go!" Steve laughed opening the passenger doors for us.

As we pulled up to the party. I could hear loud music, bright lights and drunk/high teenagers. Nancy turned around in the passenger seat. "Rule one DONT drink too much. Two stay away from the 'bad boys.' Three..." Nancy paused. "Nancy what is it?" "HAVE FUN!" We all laughed and headed to the party.

Nancy, Steve and I went our separate ways. I wanted to find the drinks and socialize. Pouring my self a pink strong liquor (that reeked of alcohol) into my cup. I took one sip... two... three... pouring myself another. I sat on the table counter while eating a bag of chips. When all of sudden I hear cheering coming from the back yard. I got up to see what the excitement was all about.

"Go Go!..." "37...38...39!" "OUR NEW RECORD!" The crowd roared as a teenager stepped off the keg. Spitting out the left over beer and puffing a cigarette. "Our new beer keg KING!" "BILLY! BILLY!" The crowd really seemed to enjoy him. Billy walked towards my direction while throwing his cigarette. We locked eyes as he walked by giving a small wink. His friends were behind him still cheering him on. I rolled my eyes and headed back inside for stronger booz.

Right when I was poaring, I felt a shoulder bump into my arm. "I saw the way you were looking at me" I looked up to see a sweaty Billy standing right besides me. "Was I? Or was I just looking where the cheering came from." I said while grabbing my booz and walking away. Billy grabs my wrist "why don't we just ditch this party and head upstairs." Billy said while giving a smirk. I hit his hand away "Jack ass get off of me." Billy became furious and pushed me aside, spilling my punch. "Ugh idiot." Billy turned around quickly and stood in front of me. I picked up my spilt booz on the floor. "I'm sorry what did you call me." Billy looked furious. Not thinking I threw what was left in my cup at him and ran.

I sat in the bathroom till I heard laughing coming from the room outside me. I stepped out to see Billy talking. "Her ugly car... must of picked it off the road for free." Billy said while clapping his hands and laughing. The crowd followed. "Here she is folks! The one and only Chloe..." Billy pointed my direction. I felt my throat chock when all eyes were on me. "What do you run your shitty car off? Must be stupidity." Billy laughed. Everyone laughed and watching me. My eyes filled with tears. How could his stupid comment get to me...


"Chloe pass me that wrench... see this nut under here?" I nodded as my brother unscrewed it. Oiled started to fill the pan. "You wanted to change your oil three-four times a month." My brother (Luke) said while handing me the screw... "pour the oil in there" Luke pointed where and I poured. "When I'm gone I want you to take care of her." I nodded and we both laughed.

3 weeks later. date: 1981 (Luke went off to fight in the military. *phone rings* "hello?" Chloe answered. "Hello Miller family. I have bad news about your son "Luke Miller" he unfortunately didn't make it out of the Cold War in Afghanistan... we're sorry for your loss." Chloe dropped the phone causing it to shatter against the wall. Tears filled her eyes and she dropped to the floor.

***present time***

Billy's POV

"Must be stupidity..." the words came out of my mouth. I looked back at Chloe who was now in tears. Her eyes became red as she dropped her cup. My stomach ache at what I said. Why do I feel this way? I don't care about girls or their feelings. I chuckled out loud "someone's offended." Shit what was I thinking. She ran out the door pushing everyone out of her way. She ran to Nancy arms. Nancy slowly looked up from her and at me. Nancy eyes went sad mouth opened in shock. My smirk went away while Nancy and Chloe walked away...

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