Go away Billy

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Chloe's POV

I woke up and looked at the time 7:02am. I sat up with a pounding headache. Just one more week till schools over. How do kids my age go to a party on a school night? I rolled my eyes and picked out an outfit. *Ac/dc sweater with blue Jean skirt* brushing my hair and my teeth. El and I headed out on our way to school.

"Have a good day a school El" I said while stepping out my car. Billy's blue Camaro pulled up next to me. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the school. "Chloe wait." Billy grabbed my wrist. I shrugged his hand off and flipped him off, never turning around to look at him.

Fourth period passed. I grabbed my lunch tray finding Nancy. I looked at Billy's table seeing tommy and his gf Carol. Also noticing Billy staring at me. I rolled my eyes when Nancy linked arms with me. "Look don't pay attention to him" Nancy laughed while guiding me to the lunch table. "Ugh lasagna again?" I said while picking at it with my fork. Steve laughed while sitting down "you get used to it" we all started laughing.

School ended and Nancy and I walked to our cars. "bye Nancy!" We waved eachother goodbye. I walked towards my car noticing El and the red hair girl were talking. "Max are you coming or what!" Billy yelled from his blue Camaro. "COMING!" Max yelled back rolling her eyes. Max waved at me before getting in Billy's car. I have a friendly wave back.

"Are you ready El?" I said while getting in the car. "Do you know anything about Billy?" El Said looking at me. "I know enough he's a douche" I rolled my eyes. El laughed "that's what Max says." We giggled and drove home.

We pulled into the driveway. Still laughing about Billy we walked inside. "You guys seem to be getting along." Hopper said as he turned around. El and I look at eachother and laughed. El was really fun to hang out with. She was like a sister to me. "Hey El, how about after work we go get ice cream at Scoops ahoy?" I said while putting my hand on her shoulder. "That sounds fun!" El said excitedly. I chuckled and walked upstairs to change.

I changed into my work swimsuit, packed clean clothes and hair brush for afterwards. I headed downstairs and out the door. I rev up my engine along with turning up the radio. "This is a good song!" *white wedding by Billy Idol* playing rock and roll while speeding down the road. Pulling into the parking lot of the swimming pool. I spotted the blue Camaro parked in the same parking lot. I turned the engine off and stepped out.

I walked into the locker room to put my hair up. The locker room door opened. "Hey Chloe! Good luck out there today." Heather said as she handed me the first aid fanny pack. "Thanks heath" I smiled "oh do you know who the other lifeguard is today?" I nervously said. "Billy." I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker "great. thanks Heather" I left the locker room.

Walking towards my tower I heard Billy blow the whistle and yelled. "Hey lard ass! No running on my watch!" Watching Billy pass the middle aged women as they all try to look their best for him. He pays little attention to them as they all cat call. "Looking good Mrs Wheeler." Billy said to one of the women. "Thank you Billy." She said in a raspy voice. Rolling my eyes I climbed up my tower and sat down.

Billy and I were on opposite sides of the pool. I often caught him looking in my direction. Thankfully my shift ends in 10 minutes. I waited patiently untill climbing down. Walking towards the locker room to change. Opening my locker I noticed a shadow behind me. I turned around to notice Billy standing right behind me. "Look chloe can we just talk?" Billy begged. "I want nothing to do with you." I said while putting my stuff away. Billy slams my locker door and grabs my chin. "Look I know I did a really shitty thing at the party." "You're just realizing this?!" I spat at him pushing his hand away. "You have every right to be mad at me." I looked up into his blue soft eyes. "Why that car so important to you anyways?" He said while sitting down. While looking at my closed locker I sadly said "my brother and I worked on it together..." "that's cool I mean I work on my car by myself and it's still a piece of sh..." I cut Billy off mid sentence and yelled "YOU don't understand how important that car is! My brother died! He was my best friend!" Tears started to flow from my eyes. I grabbed my stuff and ran to the bathroom to change. Never looking back at Billy.

I waited in the bathroom for 10 minutes. Hoping Billy would get tired of waiting for me. I was all dressed and opened the door slowly. Looking to see if anyone was around. The coast was clear and I quietly walked to my locker. Putting my stuff in and leaving. Billy's car was gone from the parking lot. Noticing a white note on my windshield. I picked it up

"I'm so sorry... tomorrow after school I'm picking you up and taking you to dinner. Let's talk there. Signed Billy."

I threw the paper in my passenger seat. "Probably just another way to take a girl home to sleep with." I rolled my eyes and drove home.

"Hey El you ready? If we leave now it still should be open." El came around the corner and nodded. We walked back to the car and drove off. Pulling into the parking lot of the mall. "What flavor are you thinking?" I said while we walked inside. "Maybe chocolate? Or STRAWBERRY!" El jumped up and down so happy like a little kid.

"Hey Steve" we arrived at the ice cream shop. Steve was working today. "Hey Chloe! Hey El. What can I get you guys?" Steve said while resting his arms on the counter. "Can I have two strawberry cones please?" "Of course!" Steve turned around and making the icecream. "Here you go! On the house." Steve handed us our icecream. We thanked him and sat down. El and I talked a lot that night. We laughed so hard icecream started to come out of our noises. After nearly closing time we went home.

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