Billy im sorry

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Chloe's POV

I got ready for school and ate breakfast. Thankfully School ends in 3 days! I couldn't be more happier. El and I drove to school like normal. Pulling into the parking lot I didn't notice the blue Camaro anywhere. Maybe he's late? El headed to her school. I walked towards the school still looking back to find Billy.

(Last period) Still no sign of Billy I started to get worried. Is he alright? Did he make it home last night?! I couldn't keep him off my mind. As the bell rang I walked quickly outside to see if he was in site. I noticed his blue Camaro and Billy leaning against it. I walked over to him. What if he's avoiding me...

"Billy?" I softly asked. Billy turned his head towards me. "Chloe..." "Billy where have you been I-" Billy took off his sunglasses revealing scars, cuts and bruises. I chocked. "Billy... who did this to you?" Billy put back on his shades. "Chloe I don't want you to worry." Billy looked away. I put my hand on his cheek. "I care for you Hargrove." He held my hand as he stuttered. "My... dad." Billy was upset. I was shocked. "Oh Billy I'm sor..." "Chloe it's fine. I better take max home. Bye clo." Billy left with max and drove off.

I took El home. I was worried for Billy. I didn't want him to go back home to his father. I wanted him to stay here with me... I wanted him safe.

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