Its a date!?

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Chloe's POV

It was already half way through the school day. On my way to the next class, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to face them when I realized it was Billy. "Geez Billy you scared me." I rolled my eyes and walked away. "Hey darlin' miss me." Billy still following me. "What do you want?" "I want you..." I turned to face him. "Really?" I paused "oh shut up Billy. You get any girl in this school. Go bother some other girl who wants you in their bed." Billy chuckled "no Chloe. I mean it... I want you. Are you still considering our date?" I turned to face Billy. "Date?" "I thought it would be nice? And If you think I'm being a jerk or trying to get you in my bed. You can leave..." Billy looking towards the ground while scratching his head. I felt he was actually serious. "Fine, I'll go on a date. But anything more and I'm never talking to you again!" Billy nodded and went out separate ways

All I could think about was our date. I've never been on a date before. What was I even going to wear! I have to talk to Nancy! Wait no! She can't know I'm going on a date with the schools player. I'll tell her after the date.

The last bell rang. I got up from my seat and headed to my locker. I could spot Billy walking towards me. "Are you ready?" Billy asked. "Oh I didn't realize we were going after school?" I thought about El and how she was going to get home. "Don't worry El and Max are walking to the arcades" Billy smiled while leaning against the lockers. "That's a relief" I sighed. Billy held out his arm and I grabbed a hold of it. What was I thinking? Am I Crazy? Billy grabbed his car passenger door for me. I sat in and he slowly closed the door. I could tell Billy wasn't as nervous as I was. Billy blasted AC/DC as we drove off. We pulled up to "bennys burgers." He grabbed the door for me and walked inside.

"Hello, table for two?" The waiter said while looking Billy up and down. Billy wraps his arm around my waist and nods. "Follow me." we followed the waiter to a booth. I got in first and Billy sat on the same side as me. "Can I offer drinks first?" The waiter said while pulling out a note book. "Can I have a water?" I asked as Billy also asked for one. "Great! Are you ready to order or do you need a minute?" I took a quick glimpse at the menu and saw chicken tenders. "Can I have the chicken tenders?" "Of course! And for you sir?" Billy stared at the menu. "Can I get the same thing as her?" Billy said while making eye contact with me. "Is that all?" We nodded and the waiter took off to get our drinks.

"Wow this place is beautiful. Nothing like my home town." I said while looking around the lit up room. "Not as beautiful as you." Billy winked at me while putting a toothpick in his mouth. My face flushed red. "Did you grow up here?" "In this dump? No I grew up in California." Before Billy could say another word I shot up and said. "NO WAY! Me too! Which part?" "carpinteria." Billy smiled. "That's not too far from where I lived!" We both laughed locking eyes with eachother. Finally our food came out. As we devoured our food we talked so much about growing up in California. I'm finally admitting it... Billy Hargrove the bad boy... wasn't so bad after all. He noticed I wasn't eating and staring into his eyes as he laughed. "Is everything alright chole?" He stopped eating and shifted his body towards me. I couldn't help but smile at him. "Yeah I'm alright" smiling and continuing to eat.

Laughing as we left the restaurant. Billy payed for our meal. It was pitch dark out. "How long we're we there for?" I giggled "probably a couple of hours at most." Billy grabbed the door for me...

Billy's POV

I drove Chloe home. On the drive home I couldn't stop thinking of our night together. "Did you have a good time?" I asked Chloe "I had a great time." She smiled. I pulled into her driveway. "I hope we can do this again Chloe." "Me too. Goodnight lover boy." She giggled as she shut the door. I watched her as she walked into her house. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. This is such a weird feeling I have. I've never cared so much for a girl. My heart ache not seeing her here with me. I knew my consequences. Not being home at a certain time, not taking max home, disobeying my father rules.

As I quietly pulled into my driveway. I quickly turned my car off and opened the car door. Being careful not to slam it too loud. As I walked inside I noticed no lights were on. All of sudden the kitchen light turned on. "Shit" I said out loud. "Where have you been! You didn't take your sister home! You came home late!" My dad screamed at me while inching closer to me. His breath reeked of alcohol. He slammed me against the door. "SPEAK UP!" I could barely get a word out. "Out..." I chocked. "NO SHIT BILLY!" Neil slapped me across my face. "WHERE WERE YOU!" Neil looked furious at my answer. Slamming me harder into the wall. Hitting me repeatedly. "I was out with friends..." I shouted barely staying awake. Neil threw me across the floor. "I know you were out with a whore." Neil slapped me one more time before getting off of me. He angrily made his way upstairs before slamming the door. I layed on the floor. Tears filled my eyes as I was in pain. I wanted out of this shitty life. Away from my father, this town, susian and everything else... but Chloe... (Billy passes out)

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