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Chloe's POV

Last day of school finally. I was ready to graduate and get out of here! I wore a simple blue dress with little white flowers. I curled my hair using my curlers. I wanted to impress Billy. I walked down stairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey Chloe." My mom said to me while handing me an eggo waffle. "Morning mom" taking the plate from her hand. "I have a job for you." "Mom I have a job already?" "I know honey but this is important! My friend need a baby sitter." "Baby sitting? My baby sitting days are over mom." "Honey please!" My mom made a sad fake look. "Alight fine. But just this one time!" "Thank you honey! Here's the address! After school at 4!" She handed me an address. "Oh wait what's the kids name?" My mom was no where in site. I shrugged it off and finished my waffle. I quickly brushed my teeth and headed out the door. El wasn't feeling so well this morning. Hopper allowed her to stay home. I drove to school listening to rock and roll. Speeding 20 mph above the speed limit.

Billy was waiting for me when I pulled into the parking lot. I stepped out of my car bending down and grabbing my bag. I felt eyes watching me. As I turned around I noticed Billy inched closer and was looking at my dress. I smiled at him "hey Billy" "hello beautiful!" Wrapping his arm around my waist. He whispered in my ear "that dress looks so sexy on you." Kissing my neck. I got instant butterflies knowing I should mess with him. I backed up closer to him. Moving around knowing he would like it. He grabbed my waist pulling me in closer. "Alright Chloe you got me." I turned around giving him a wink. He grabbed my hand and guided me towards school.

Fourth period bell rang. I grabbed my things and headed out to lunch. While the lunch ladies handed me my food. Billy came besides me and whispered "how about we ditch school and go somewhere nice." I smiled at his comment. "I would love to." It was the last day of school anyways. I wasn't about to sit in a class room an wait for the last bell to ring. I set my tray down and ran off with Billy. Billy took my bag off my back and tossed it in my car. We drove off in Billy's car. "Where are we going?" I asked while looking at him. "It's a surprise darling" Billy smirked as he puffed on his cigarette. Little way down the road Billy put his hand around my thigh. Rubbing his finger up and down. He took my hand and placed it on the gear stick under his hand. I started to realized how every girl fell for him. He's good looking!

We ate at Burger King because I wouldn't shut up about how hungry I was. Billy didn't mind as he payed for our meal. "I loved this surprise Billy." I said "oh honey, this isn't your surprise." Billy smirked as he continued to drive fast. Billy turned up the radio when *For Whom The Bells Tolls by Metallica* started playing. He looked at me and bobbed his head. Giving a small smile looking back at the road.

Billy pulled over at a small lake. A small sandy path that lead to it. Tall grass and trees surrounding the lake. "We're here darlin" Billy said opening the door grabbing my hand. We walked the sandy path leading to a small beach. There was no one in site. Billy laid a small blanket out for us to lay on. He layed down and I followed. I wasn't too close to Billy before he pulled me under his arm. I couldn't resist but laying my head on his chest. Wrapping my arms around him. Watching birds dive down in the water catching jumping fish. "We should go fishing some time." Billy laughed "you like fishing?" I sat up and looked at him "well no... but it would be fun. I'm such a beautiful spot like this." Billy pulled me back into his arms. "Anything for you clo." Billy said while running his fingers through my hair. I felt warm and safe in Billy's arms. I couldn't help but fall asleep.

Billy's POV

I can't believe I have such an amazing girl in my arms. I wanna do my best to protect her. I never wanna see her upset or hurt... (Billy noticed she fell asleep). I left Chloe to sleep in my arms while I played with her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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