Part 13

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Eddie and his bands performance ends and he walks off stage and goes to you.

"Alright come on love lets go, what'd you think," Eddie asks.

"You guys deserve so much more than just 5 drunks like you're literally amazing, it's unfair, and you playing guitar is just perfection, and- sorry I'm rambling," You say slightly embarrassed.

"That's okay, you're cute when you ramble. You really think we're that good?" Eddie asks.

"Of course I do Eddie."

Eddie smiles.

Eddie drives you to his trailer.


"Eddie I uh, have a question."

"Ask away sweetheart."

"Are we just friends or-"

"I have a question for your question," Eddie asks.

"Ask away."

Eddie asks, "Do friends kiss friends?"

"Uhm... no?" You say.

Eddie walks over to you.

He continues, "Therefore the answer to your question would be...?"

"No," You say.

Eddie leans closer to you.

Eddie kisses you passionately while his hands are firmly on your waist and you two start making out.

"Definitely not "just friends" sweetheart," Eddie says then continues to kiss you.

Erase His Words~Eddie MunsunWhere stories live. Discover now