Part 23 & 24

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Before I start the story I just wanna say Thank you guys SOOO much for getting me to #1 on #EDDIEMUNSUN. You guys are amazing and I can't believe my story is already #1. This couldn't have been possible without you so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As a thank you I'm going to make this part a longer one. Also this is the last day before I start school again so I probably won't be posting as much as I usually do.

You're in the woods and you are walking to the bench.

Eddie comes out of nowhere and stops you.

"Woah what's going on pretty girl," Eddie asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine, why?"

"Well you certainly don't look fine."

"I'm fine," You whisper.

Eddie stares at you and you can tell he knows you're lying.

"You're looking at me like you don't believe me."

"Just tell me when you're gonna let me in. We both know you're lying," Eddie says.

You start pacing back and forth.

"I'm getting tired. Max is acting like she hates me, Lucas says it's not just me. She's like my little sister I can't have her hate me. 

Eddie gets up from his seat on the bench and grabs you by your shoulder and looks in your eyes to stops you from pacing.

"If you have a minute, why don't we go talk about it. Somewhere only we know," Eddie asks.

You continue talking about Max, "Could this be the end of everything."

Eddie continues, "So why don't we go somewhere only we know."

Part 24


You and Eddie are sitting in his trailer and Eddie is playing his guitar.

You stare at him the whole time.


For you I keep my legs apart and forget about my tainted heart. I will never ever be the first to say it. But still I, you know it.


"You okay sweetheart?" Eddie says.

You stay quiet.

"Y/n?" Eddie says wondering why you aren't responding.

You finally say, "Do you know baby I love you. I love you a lot more than a little bit.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you. Say it again," Eddie says.

"Shut it Munsun."

Eddie looks at you and chuckles.

You wait for him to say it back.

"Don't worry your pretty little face, I love you a lot more than a little bit too."

Erase His Words~Eddie MunsunWhere stories live. Discover now