Part 26

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"So tell me sweetheart, who made you upset?" Eddie whispers in your ear.

You respond shyly, "I'll tell you just don't make a scene. It was Jason..."

Eddie looks into your eyes with a blank expression for a few seconds. He then immediately stands up with his arms crossed and his lips pressed. 

You know he is going to do the exact opposite of what you told him to do.

Eddie stand on the table and recites to the whole cafeteria, 

"As long as you're into band, science,  or pArTiEs." Eddie starts, distorting the word parties.

A boy sitting at the party table flips him off.

Eddie turns to the jock table and continues, "Or a game where you TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!"

Jason stands up and says "You want something freak!"

Once he says this, Eddie puts his fingers to his head resembling horns and hisses weirdly at Jason.

Dustin chuckles.

"Prick," Jason says defeatedly.

Eddie turns back to you, "Sorry, did I make a scene? I feel as if I made a scene."

He then leans close to your face and whispers, "I'm sorry sweetheart."

You can feel his warm breath on your lips while he leans closer.

Eddie then kisses you softly but passionately.

"Did you just call my sister sweetheart?" Mike asks cluelessly.

You look around and see everyone sitting there waiting for Mike to realize you and Eddie just kissed.

Mike gasps loudly suddenly realizing, "OH MY GOD YOU JUST KISSED Y/N!"

You glance over at Dustin and see him shaking his head. You can tell he knows he's never going to hear the end of it with Mike.

Eddie looks at Mike with his brows furrowed, "Is there something wrong with that?"

"Shit, Eddie I forgot to tell him," You say.

Eddie walks up behind Mike and tells him, "Look Wheeler, I'm dating Y/n. Is there a problem with that?"

"Just she's..." Mike starts.

He whispers to Eddie, "She can't get hurt again. I don't want to see her like that ever again."

"I don't ever, and I mean ever plan on hurting Yn."

"Well then fine, but I'm gonna hold you to your word Munsun."


Sorry I haven't posted in a reallyyyy long time but school has been crazy lately and life happens so I'm sorry :( I hope you like this story tho!

Erase His Words~Eddie MunsunWhere stories live. Discover now