Part 33 & 34

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You and Eddie are sitting in your guys' usual spot in the woods behind your high school.

Eddie is talking about something but you lose focus when you look down to his lips.

Eddie stops ranting on and says cleverly, "You know it's not nice to stare."

You look back up to his eyes.

"Huh?" You say cluelessly.

"Your body language speaks to me," Eddie says with a smirk.

Part 34


You and Eddie are inside his trailer chilling on his couch.

"I know you ain't a drug but you get me so high," You say.

"High?" Eddie says with a slight chuckle.

"You get me so high"

TELL ME WHY THAT WAS SO FREAKING SHORT. Im sorry that this was like three sentences long, but the youtube shorts that I get this from only has so much. I will make up for it by posting another part right after I post this. Also just so you remember, the story is almost over!!!!

Erase His Words~Eddie MunsunWhere stories live. Discover now