The date

190 6 4

Kamala pov

I get to work and sit at my desk thinking about Tonight with Doug I look at my watch hopping that the time goes by fast.

3 Hours go by  it is time to pack up and go home and get ready, I walk into my house put my work stuff down and get into the shower.

Doug pov

I get out of work and walk into my house  then I take my tie off and throw it. I sit down and turn on the tv. 

Kamala pov

I get out of the shower and do my hair brush my teeth again I go into my closet I pick out my black dress.  Then I put on makeup  then shoes  "I hope he likes the dress.... What if he takes it off me"

Doug pov

I get up off the couch and get into the shower I think to myself " god I hope she like me  I hope me likes me.... I hope we have somethings in common"  I get out of the shower and pick out a blue suit and black shoes. I grab my keys and phone then walk out the door.

Kamala pov

As I am putting on my earrings I get a call form my best friend

Kamala: hey

BFF: hey are you getting ready?

Kamala: yes I am just putting in my earrings and will be out the door.

BFF: that's great have fun and tell me all about it when you get home.

Kamala: oh I will. talk to you later

BFF: bye

Doug pov

I get into my car and drive to the restaurant that Kamala's best friend sent me to go. I turn on the radio then I get a call form Kamala's best friend I pick up.

Doug: hello

Kamala's BFF: hey Doug are you own your way the the restaurant?

Doug: I am I just left my house I will be there soon

Kamala's BFF: okay good drive safe

Doug: I will thank you

Kamala's BFF: bye

I hang up the phone and get to the restaurant I find a parking place grab my keys phone I take a deep breath before I open my door. I get out of my car and walk to the door.

Kamala pov

I got here a little earlier then he did so I get in my phone and check a few things before I turn it off. Until I head a man's voice.

Doug: hello are you Kamala Harris?

Kamala: yes are you Doug?

Doug: yes ma'am

Kamala: please have a seat... nice to meet you by the way

Doug: my pleasure

Kamala pov

Holy fucking shit I was right he is how as hell OMG

Doug pov

She's the prettiest woman I ever lead my eyes on

Doug: how was your day?

Kamala: it was okay I had to work you know how that goes

Doug: that's pretty nice

2 hours go by

Kamala pov

Wow I feel like I known him my whole life he is funny just so down to earth

Doug pov

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