A pregnancy scare

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Kamala pov

I wake up out of a deep sleep when I felt the baby kick for the first time. I sit up and wake Doug.

Kamala: babe.... Doug

Doug pov

I wake  up to Kamala shaking me and saying my name I look at her in fear thinking something might have happened to the baby or her.

Doug: are you ok baby?

Kamala: yes i am more then fine I felt the baby kick in my stomach when I was sleeping and it woke me up but I woke you up just in case it happens again.

Doug: okay baby do you want some coffee ?

Kamala: yeah babe

Doug pov

I kiss her and get out of bed and  put my pants on then I go into the kitchen and make us a cup of coffee.

Kamala pov

While Doug is in the kitchen I start to not feel well I stood up and instantly got dizzy I am sweating but cold then I feel the urge to throw up. On my way to the bathroom I fall.

Doug pov

While I am making our coffee I hear kamala fall I run to the bedroom and help her up.

Doug: omg Kamala are you ok

Kamala: no I am not ok please call 911

Doug pov
I grab my phone and call 911 I really hope the baby is ok I start stressing while on the phone with the ambulance I can't stop thinking what if Kamala loses this baby.

Kamala pov

I am screaming in pain on the floor Doug sit on the floor after he hangs up the phone he gabs me and holds me.

Doug: it's okay baby I am here and the ambulance will here any second now.

Doug pov

My heart Breaks watching her go through this I try to calm her down i hear a knock at the door

Doug : come in

Kamala pov

Two men came in the house and picked me up and carried me into the ambulance. Doug still holding my hand.

Doug : I am right here baby I am not going anywhere

Doug pov

They put Kamala into the car and I jump in with her I watch as they put needles IV's into her arm holding back tears my mind is racing a hundred miles an hour.

Kamala pov

I slowly start waking up the first person I see is Doug

Kamala: Doug

Doug: I am right here baby

Kamala: I am in so much pain

Doug :  I know baby the doctor is coming soon.

Kamala : is our baby ok ?

Just then the doctor came in and kamal and Doug look at the doctor scared.

Doctor : Mr Emhoff Mrs Harris  we have some good news that your baby is okay

Kamala: oh thank god

Doctor: Mrs Harris I need to know have you been eating and what have you been eating

Kamala: yes I rate and is normal meals like dinner and stuff

Doctor: okay good well I can let you guys leave just give me a call if anything else happens 

Doug: we will sir thank you so much

Doug pov
Kamala got out of the hospital bed and i helped her get dressed and put her shoes on for her

Kamala: what would I do with out you Dougie

Doug: I am not sure baby I am just happy to have you

Kamala: me too

Kamala pov

I get up and hug and kiss Doug I really do love him I didn't think I could love a human as mush as I love him. I am happy to be his.

Doug : come on let's go home

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