Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

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AN// this chapter will contain some depictions of gore, nothing too serious but it might be sensitive to some viewers. It is also a very long chapter and I was sleepy when I wrote most of it so any misspelled words or anything will be corrected in time, enjoy😌

 It is also a very long chapter and I was sleepy when I wrote most of it so any misspelled words or anything will be corrected in time, enjoy😌

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The three of them ventured deep into the cave. "How
do we plan on getting them out of this?" Julian asked, clearly nervous. Eithriel didn't blame him but she was more than excited to finally be on an adventure, to finally have some kind of purpose. "Leave that to me," Gandalf said as he led them deeper underground. The smell was almost unbearable, it was awful, far too terrible to explain as it was the result of several different things. "You brought a weapon along with you, right Julian?" Eithriel asked him. "A weapon? No! I didn't think it would be that kind of quest!" said the human in a panicked but hushed tone. "Here," Eithriel said, rolling her eyes as she handed him a sword. He quickly took it from her as they continued through the cave.

It didn't take long until they found Thorin and the rest of the company, besides Bilbo. Eithriel looked amongst the dwarves standing with the group of goblins who were keeping them there and did not see the halfling anywhere. They began getting somewhat closer until Gandalf immediately came to a halt, making Eithriel and Julian stop as well. Out of nowhere, chaos broke out, and the goblin king, who was rather large and very ugly, had called for Thorn to be beheaded. And at that moment, Gandalf used their, staff, to make a big explosion of light. It was blinding but it helped, all of the Goblins cowered and hid their faces, and some even fell to the ground. Even the dwarves had fallen from the gust of wind that came from the staff.

Out from the shadows stepped the three of them, Gandalf, Julian, and Eithriel. Gandalf, who had a sword in one hand and his magnificent staff in the other walked closer to the groaning and grumbling group of dwarves. "Take up arms, fight!" he instructed them. Then again, his voice boomed through the cave. "Fight!" he yelled. The dwarves took no time in picking up weapons from the ground and using them to fight the goblins. The now upset goblins were running towards them. Eithriel immediately grabbed an arrow and loaded it into her bow quickly, aiming toward one of these goblins and shooting it through the heart.

Then she began firing as many arrows as she could, missing a few times but slaying many. Julian, however, was trying his best. He wasn't the best swordsman but he did quite well in fighting off many of the goblins. Gandalf pierced his sword through one of the creatures, and a look of terror came over the face of the goblin king. "He wields the foe hammer! The beater, bright as daylight!" the goblin exclaimed.  The fight continued with the dwarves slaying and fighting off many goblins. Eithriel continued to use her bow to slay them.

Kili had stabbed a goblin through the chest, the creature fell over the edge of the platform they were on, falling to its already nearing death. Then, out of anger, the goblin king took a swing at Kili and was knocked over, falling back and landing on the platform just below the one they were currently on. Eithriel watched as Gandalf decapitated a goblin before quickly instructing the group to follow him, which they did without hesitation. The group ran across a bridge.

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