there was a rain that day too..

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  the Road's were blocked and rain doesn't seems like gonna end soon, because it increases gradually in to a screaming rain and sounds like weather has already decide to dominate over laknow residents daily routines.

   It's been four hours they stuck in karishma's apartment.
   karishma regreats about her stubborn decision which leads to an unplanned caging with the most unwanted guest in her own one bedroom hall kitchen apartment.

        Shades of dark were spreading under already darken clouds DEMONDING for more attention from sharp and colourful lightning and thunder Boltes.
  When thunder raises it volume without warning, anybody can feel it's waves of power underneath their feets and shivers.
     Haseena was standing in the balcony entrance in her now bit drained uniform with folded hands on her chest.she was lost in some other world looking in to over grown greeneries kept in the side of shelves of wood.
   Outside world went disappear within mist of rain curtains,it's hard to recognise anything in ground level where there standing in 7th floor of the building.
   Her meditation broken by a hand which holds a white colour mug in some distance.she lifted her big lashes like a hundred Frames in a second speed, to track beholders face.
  "    Thank you, karishma singh.. "

  as always her soothing and divine voice with an acceptance node.

   Karishma saw in corner of her eyes,haseena shrugged her shoulders while encircling her both palms around the warmth of mug,when she returns to coffee table.
   Karishma was slowly spinning her mug in her hold to reduce the heat of it.and she slowed down to the mug for a sip without breaking her trace on haseena's every curve top to bottom in slowest possible way.and she had to admire her senior is made for the uniform.and almost every attire she carried off too.
    And with a sudden realisation she shook her head in disgust, quickly stood up and try contact Santhosh once again.
    Karishma was pacing to every corner in the hall behind haseena while praying for network.
  " It's no use karishma singh ,I don't see any possibility for backup at this hour in this situation. We will have to wait untill it slowed down."

And she upend her left wrist for time.
And her silver wristwatch said it's almost 7.20 pm.
" I'm really sorry madam sir.its me who wants to Come home before reporting headquarters.see... we are trapped here."

Karishma said with serious guilt in her voice.
  Haseena after a pause , " don't be sorry... It's just the weather, which we don't Have hold on it any of the way. Even I say I'm glad we had your place , otherwise we must have tough time on the roadside..... "

     "  And by the way,it's  not US trapped in here. It's me who trapped in here . "  
  in stern voice ,      

" thanks to your generosity for hiding things from your senior..."
     They are suppose to be in headquarters with the recent case files and evidence.they complete it behind the deadline and about to report with the culprits and goods they ceased.
    It was an high profile and top confidential case these honest officers handling.
       so karishma delightfully accept the risk herself with store evidence in her apartment with pleasure of breaking rules and disrespectful act of disobedient towards her senior as always.
      They had a heated argument when haseena get to know ' why karishma stubbornly drove off the bike to her apartment and Litraly she kidnapped her senior.'

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