Chapter 1 - Meet Me, Meet you, Meeting...

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I feel like I've sat here day after day telling you people's business, and to be honest I have often sat here reflecting on my own life, with many many internal questions. I have loved and I have lost. I have made several mistakes and I have had many regrets.

Nowadays young people love to talk about how they don't live with regrets - well that is that new age way of thinking. Kaleena Bauble has had a lot of regrettable moments. I won't start lying to you now! I feel like I should tell you about one of my many mistakes, after all if i tell you all these people's business and you still have questions about making wrong moves in your life, my granny would say, you the type of person to see you name on a johnny cake and nyam it!

So let's talk, well, I will talk and as usual you can listen and learn.

I was attending Gate-Endford All Age Secondary school and I was just about ready to pass out and graduate 5th ageing - that's what you nowadays children would call 5th form. I had a smart group of friends, all females, we were all coming up together from 1st ageing all the way to 5th ageing and we were all Principal distinction students. I looked up to these young ladies, because even though we were all the same age, they were all so wise.

There were 9 of us as close friends, that might seem alot to you but in those days friendships were different from these hypocritical madness happening nowadays.

There was:-










Nine of us!

We were very bright but still so young so naive and so foolish to the world around us! We were all about our books, we weren't looking to rush anything in this life, yes we had our likle boyfriends, after all this school was a co-education school, which meant we shared the lessons with boys.

I can remember many times we used to sit under that big half rotten lady's tongue tree imagining and guessing and assuming what our first time would be like. Of course me -  big mouth Kaleena had to be in the midst pretending as if I knew everything about everything. I didn't have one likle boyfriend either I had 3, two of whom went to my school, the other went to an all boys Catholic school.

One of the boys was Jamie, and the other, a new transfer to my school Rohan. To be honest Jamie was really my likle side man as he was a year ahead of me and very popular and on the rugby team, he also had his girlfriend Channa, she also came to our school, but for the life of me that boy refused to leave me alone.

Then you had Rohan, who had gotten a transfer to our school from the St. Michael's Anglican School for boys, the way he told it was because of him moving as his mother had migrated, leaving him with his grandmother, but, the way I heard it was because he had stabbed someone.

Both of these boys were handsome as ever!

Jamie was a striking piece of dark chocolate with a pearly white smile, he was 5'9 inches tall and growing and was always smelling like coffee mixed with the sweetness of chocolate, he had the brightest eyes and boy was he charming. Most times I forgot he had another girlfriend based on how well he treated me and the boy was jealous!

Rohan was just as sweet, he was also chocolate brown and he also had the white straightest teeth you could ever imagine a teenager to have, he always wore Clarke's shoes, and his hair was always faded low neatly lined and he was perfect to not just me but to half the other girls who wanted him, afterall he was fresh meat.

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