Chapter 6 - Reaches you, Reaches Me

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"Happy birthday!"

Yep! Before you blink it was my birthday - Again!

I felt like my life had absolutely no meaning, just me myself and I. By this time Jodi was engaged and pregnant to her boyfriend Facey. Of course, I was happy for her, but I was always feeling like a third wheel. It got to the point, where I started making up excuses when they invited me out, and Jodi knew it because she made it a point of duty to pick me up Friday evening to attend the cookout her family was having at their country estate. It was more like a family reunion - where we went down the Friday but would be returning the Sunday.

Did I want to go? Hell no! Did I have a choice? Hell no! So me pack me bags, ready up and Jodi and Facey picked me up.

Jodi's family originated from Irongate, so she told me, I had never been there or even near there before, but she had told me it was 3 hours from Top Village, all I know is that on the ride down I tried to envision what it was like based on what Jodi described.

The three hours flew by quickly and two-twos we were at the entrance of Irongate. Jodi she though, was a bit short on her description, tell me why the place was so beautiful?!

Arriving at Irongate had me in awe, the entrance of the community boasted a large "Irongate".

There was a small security house and you had to sign in to enter. The houses were beautifully painted all of them in a caramel brown colour and had dark brown shingles roofing, the from of each home boasted a beautiful lawn and patio and the smell of freshly cut grass stood strongly in the air. Irongate was the first place I ever witnessed white people cutting lawn while black people sat on their patios enjoying their drinks and the beautiful sunshine.

The roads looked freshly paved and the cars were brand new and crisp. They had a beautiful community park that had a beautiful sky blue pool that looked heavenly and refreshing.

I did avfi gi Jodi one slap pan har hand and ask har how she kept this from me, but she simply told me she lived here all of her life so it was like nothing to her. Well, it was something to me!

I wanted to know the pricing of homes here, cause I had decided I needed to live here. After a 5-minute drive we came to a halt and just like that a lady resembling Jodi came to greet us out of the house. Jodi introduced her as her aunt and right behind her another lady looking exactly like Jodi's aunt came out busily on her phone, she, was Jodi's mother.

That girl never told me that her mother was a twin! We entered the home and then my jaw dropped further, from I was born I had never seen such a beautiful home in all my life. They even had their own pool. I told Jodi straight and plain I did not want to ever go home, which we laughed so hard about. Finally! A break with peace and beautiful scenery.

Tennyson then showed up with his girlfriend we had a small conversation and he told me Stephan was not the same since we broke up. I did not care to hear that because Stephan was always who he was.

Jodi's parents house hosted 10-bedrooms and I was granted my own. Little by little her family member's rolled in and just like that each room was occupied.

Jodi's aunt and mother reminded me so much of my aunt and mom. Jodi's aunt was there for her hand and foot, while her mom was always on her phone. Jodi told me her mother was in real estate but I never knew it was such a busy profession. Jodi's dad was a dentist and for his age he was very handsome, (as you know me no partial from the man look good) - but that was my best friend's father - so no thank you!

Saturday - came very quickly and there I was rallying around helping Jodi and her family get ready for the cookout - I was a likable person - well I am - so it wasn't long before I was being treat like family. Jodi had a cousin though that swore up and down me and him was size - his name was Leon. Leon was always sweet talking me - and I was always brushing him aside with me and Jodi taking him for a complete joke.

Tainted LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora