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Following the bargain making, Rhysand and Feyre had graciously offered to bring Ruelle to their home in a different region of the Night Court.

"Feyre and I have some business to attend to with Kier, so you'll have to head back with Cas or Az," Rhysand explained as the lot of them stood around the door. Ruelle pulled her gaze from Rhysand, glancing to Cassian and Azriel who stood side by side. Cassian had a sly grin plastered on his face while Azriel looked as stoic as ever.

There was something in her chest that pulled her toward the Shadowsinger. Something she couldn't quite place. She had only heard stories of those who wielded shadows, it was fascinating to her the way they hovered around his body. She wanted to know more.

"Shadowsinger," she called out to him. Azriel's eyes met hers, "Would you do me the honor of being my guide?" Her tone was playful. She wanted to see what his reaction would be. It seemed unlike him to disagree with his High Lord, but Ruelle knew how to push buttons. She planned on doing just that. She had to know more.

Azriel lifted his gaze from meeting her eyes, looking to his High Lord. Rhysand gave him a nod, all the confirmation he needed. "Winnow her to the outsides of the city, then fly her in. She'll want to see Velaris from the skies," a small smirk danced across Rhysand's lips.

"Velaris?" Ruelle questioned, eyeing them quizzically.

Cassian smirked before saying, "You'll see."

A twin smile found it's way to her lips. She moved herself across the stone floor, her boots clicking loudly with each step. She could feel Cassian's gaze on her as she strutted up to Azriel. She stopped before him, eyes wandering his siphon adorned chest before she titled her chin to him. "Well," she said extending a hand, "Velaris awaits."

He grasped her hand in his own, he didn't say a word as he pulled her into his body. The sudden position changed surprised her as he wrapped a scarred hand tightly around her waist. "Ready?" His voice was as cool as a winters night. Cassian approached placing a hand on Azriel's shoulder; he must not be able to winnow himself she assumed.

"Yes." As the word left her lips ignoring the other Illyrian as the familiar feeling of being wrapped up in darkness overcame her body. The shadows of him whipped around her face, blowing her hair in all directions. She couldn't help but hold her breath as she waited for them to appear back into reality. The slip between world's taking only mere moments, before the shadows cleared.

A gasped escaped her lips, as Azriel adjusted his grip on her. Holding her tightly in his arms as she rested against his chest. He smelt like night chilled mist and cedar; it was intoxicating.

Cassian let go of Azriel as they appeared in the sky, free falling for a moment before he allowed his wings to work. Watching Cassian fly was unlike anything she had seen before. The way his wings beat against the wind, the way she could see the muscles in his back flexing even underneath his fighting leathers. She had to pull her gaze from the Illyrian before her thoughts consumed her.

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