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Sleep did not come peacefully for Ruelle, unlike she had so eagerly desired. Her eyes were trained on the ceiling above the bed. The bed was a part of the issue. It was soft; too soft than the paper thin bed roll she had grown used to for the past five centuries. As she laid on her back, she half expected to sink all the way to the floor. She couldn't stand it. It had been hours since she laid down. The moon was at it apex in the sky, stars glistened through the black sky. But sleep did not come to her.

With a groan, she sat up. Looking around the room slowly, the darkness only allowing her to see the silhouettes of the furniture that decorated the space. She glanced towards the door as she thought of exiting her room and exploring what else existed within the House of Wind. She knew she shouldn't, it wasn't polite to snoop. But Ruelle wasn't known to be polite.

Her feet touched the floor, gracefully gliding her towards the door. Slowly, she turned the handle, afraid that it would make too much noise. As she took her first step outside of her assigned bedroom, she glanced down the hallway. First looking to her right, then the left. Cassian and Azriel's rooms. There was no light seeping into the hall from under the doors; she assumed they were asleep as she should be.

Carefully she began walking down the hallway that she knew lead to the stairs she had taken to get to this floor. She remember what Cassian said; dining room and kitchen was one floor above. She wondered if that floor held any other common spaces. Gripping the railing tightly, she eased her way up the stairs. Upon reaching the platform of the next floor she eyed the hallway suspiciously. Listening closely for any signs of movement, looking to see if any light lingered. There was nothing.

She walked quietly, not wanting to alert the others by thundering footsteps. As she pace down the hallway, she peered into the rooms that lined the hall. A library, an office, a lounge; but the room that caught her eye the most held a pianoforte sitting within its center. Pushing the door open fully, she lit a fae light so she could better see.

Other instruments lined the walls in cabinets or displayed gracefully on stands. Books of music were organized on shelves that spanned an entire corner. It was magnificent.

Ruelle approached the piano, running her fingers across the keys, a horrific noise produced from her uneven touch. A smile grew across her face despite that. Her mind flooded with distant memories of her mother playing when she was just a girl. It had always come easy to her mother; or at least it had seemed that way. Like her mind was a sponge for music, she could hear something once and could reciprocate it perfectly. Hours were spent sitting upon her mothers lap, watching her fingers dance across the keys. Ruelle was always envious of her musical talent; she hadn't inherited that gene.

Her fingers grazed the keys once more; this time the noise they produced wasn't quite as atrocious. This time is was a part of a song; a simple song her Ruelle and her mother would play together. A duet that didn't quite sound the same as she played alone. As she trailed just one hand across the minor keys, slowly playing the next in the sequence she felt something stir behind her. Her power trailed around the room. A heartbeat sounded in her ears, one that was no her own. The feeling of blood rushing through a tall body made her shiver. A familiar pattern, one she recognized.

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