⚠️This chapter will have underage drinking, substance abuse, and some non kid friendly talks. I don't condone this it's fiction and for story purposes⚠️

I was waiting in my room until I got his text that he was here.

I rushed downstairs and I saw appa and Jackson laughing and talking.

Hey kiddo where are you off to, he asked? Looks like your in a rush.

Oh uh im hanging out with a friend, I said as I tried to leave. Which friend, he asked? Jimin, I said quietly. Oh that boy, Jin said. Oh him he was funny when I met him, Jin said. Only one to laugh at my jokes.

Where are y'all going, he asked. Shit, I thought to myself. His house, I lied. Alright then check in with me have fun, he said. Alright bye, I said leaving.

He seems like he's up to something, Jin said. He seems like a good kid maybe he was nervous maybe he got a crush on that Jimin boy, Jackson said.

Naw his other friend and him got more connection, Jin said. Tea, Jackson said with a chuckle.


Jimin picked me up and we rode to some park to use the bathrooms to get dressed.

Here I bought clothes you can wear for your first party you gotta look hot, Jimin said. I mean your style is amazing don't get me wrong but have you ever tried a more sexier style, Jimin said as we walked into the bathrooms.

Ew it stinks in here, I said. He then locked the door so we could change.

How come we couldn't go to your place, I said. Cause this would save us more time and plus for your first highschool party you need the real experience, he said. Changing in random places ain't new.

I never took you for a party guy, I said. Yeah I try to keep it mild at school not many know but I can be a bit if a rule breaker, he said.

Here put this on, he said. Are you sure, I asked. You'll look hot trust me, he said also I got some hair dye but don't worry it washes out, he said.

I like to change my colors a bit I brought extra Incase you wanted to try, he said. Just then a fused broke so it was kinda dark in the bathrooms.

Great it stinks, dirty, and a light blew, I said. Don't worry will be out soon if you change, he said getting undressed. Whatever, I said.

I got into the clothing he brought and I chose a color he could color my hair with.

Be careful it almost got in my eyes, I complained. Stay still, he said. There look at you, he said.

I looked in the mirror and instead of my blonde hair it was a light green. I look like toxic waste, I said.

He then hit my shoulder don't be like that now stand by I'm going for a blast if color today, he said and he started spraying.

After a few bathroom shots that he begged for we finally hit the road.

So any warnings or so before we get there, I said. What do you mean, he asked?

Well Yeonjun always told me that these types of parties weren't for me, I said. Have you ever been to one to know yet, he asked?

No, I said. Exactly maybe you're gonna figure something out about you tonight, he said.

I guess, I said. When we pulled in my phone vibrated for a second. It was Namjoon calling me. I was about to awnser until I decided to turn my phone off.

We then pulled in to a huge house and music and lights were everywhere.

It looked like how the parties in teen movies were.

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