Was that all that happened over the week, Lee asked? I shook my head. I gotta say that's better progress than some of the kids I've had. Congrats kid it's only gets better, he said. And you have a great brother on your side.

And I'm glad things are better with you and your boyfriend again, he said. Thank you. Are you gonna try to tell them about the grandparent situation now, he asked? I will not today though, I said.

Why not, he asked? It's valentine day and everyone in my house right now is gonna be in love and dovey all night, I said. He chuckled. Alright then I'll see you next visit alright, he said.

See ya Lee, I said.


Yoongi my hair isn't right please help me, Yeonjun cried. It is though, I said. No I want it to be perfect, he whined. Dude chill out it's just a get together dance isn't you and Soobin's real date before it, I asked?

Yeah doesn't mean I don't wanna look perfect for him, he said. I rolled my eyes. Y'all are so cringe, I said. He only rolled his eyes.

Once I helped him he went downstairs where appa and Jackson were also getting ready.

Your leaving too, I asked? Duh it's valentines day, Jackson said. Awe Yeonjun you look so handsome, Appa said. Did you add more color to your hair?

Just little streaks of what I had left, he said. It was gonna go bad soon. Soon there was a knock on the door. Yeonjun smiled and he rushed to it to open it.

When he did he gasped. Omg, he said! Surprise, Soobin said. Soobin was holding a bouquet of roses in each color and they were real. Oh my goodness these are beautiful, Yeonjun said holding them.

Appa, yoongi look at these, Yeonjun yelled! Appa eyes widen. Woah, he said. These are amazing where did you get them, appa asked?

I went to a few shops but they didn't have every color so I had to go to a flower shop for weddings and parties. Which meant it was gonna be more pricey, he said.

How much where these, Yeonjun asked? Don't worry you love them your happy it's good, he said. Soobin your amazing, Yeonjun said hugging him.

Yoongi put these in water please where gonna get going, he said passing me the flowers. Once he did he said goodbye to everyone and they left.

Alright looks like we can go now, appa said. I left some money in case you wanted to order out tonight, Appa said. Have fun staying home.

I sure will, I said laying on the couch. Once they left I turned on the TV and decided to watch some TV. If your wondering where Joonie is he went out earlier that morning and we haven't seen him since.

Usually we would spam call him but it's all good tonight since he texts occasionally. After about half and hour though I got a text to get dressed up and then come outside.

Looking confused I decided to go do so. I put on a nice button down and some dress pants. When walking outside I saw Namjoon on his bike. Hey Yoongs, he said!

Hey Joon what's up why did I have to get dressed, I asked? Well duh I'm taking you out tonight, he said. My eyes widen. I thought we were just gonna chill tonight, I asked?

He shook his head. You must think I'm really that mean to not treat you out today, he said. Get on and let's go, he said. I got on the bike and we rode down the road.

So where are we headed to first, I asked? First we're getting dinner then I have something special at the end, he said.

Sounds like fun, I said. When riding into the city we stopped infront of this really nice place. It was kinda packed since today was Valentine's.

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