Your telling me you lied about where you were, went to some random persons party, got fucking drunk and did drugs, appa screamed!

He was mad. I stood there as he yelled at me. Do you know how dangerous that is, he yelled! Yes, I said. Yeonjun told you about these parties he warned you and you still went.

We were standing near the door as I kept getting yelled at. What if you got hurt too hi what if you got arrested, he asked?

Then I guess it happens life happens, I said. Yoongi your still a kid, he said. And you doing all this grown stuff your not ready for.

You can't be a hypocrite, I said. What do you mean, Appa said.

You went to parties all the time, I stated. You left state one time just to go meet up with someone you met online, I said.

Your telling I'm doing grown stuff, I said. Your right. You know drinking was bad drugs was bad. But at least I didn't fuck someone at a party then was forced to stay with, I said.

Maybe that's why I had alot a complications as a kid. Cause you and mom were fuck ups, I yelled! I didn't know what I was saying. I just said what came to mind cause I was mad he judged me.

You were my age when you became a father, I said. All I did was drink. It doesn't make it better. But at least I didn't come out with more responsibility in hand, I said. Now leave me alone my head is killing me, I yelled!

Appa then got hold of me. I tried to let go but he wouldn't let me go. Why are you holding me, I said. Let me go, i said.

Let me go you have to fucking let go, I screamed. This is why I can't do anything cause you never let me go, I screamed.

I was kicking and screaming for him to let me go but he didn't.

At the end I gave up and just held back as I cried. Why won't you let go, I asked softly.

Then it went black.


I woke up next morning and my head felt like I was being stabbed. It was also 12pm which meant I missed school.

Dang it, I said. I got up but when I did I looked over to see my appa beside me. Appa, I asked? Hey your finally awake, he said.

He sat up and passed me some medicine. Here should help with the hang over, he said calmly. I took the pills from his hand and the water he passed me.

I sat there for a second until asking why was he in here. We. We're gonna have to talk, he said.

About, I asked?

Last night, he said. I looked down remembering very little about last night.

Last night (continuation)

I'm sorry you had to see this Jackson this probably really made you rethink everything about me, appa said.

Jackson smiled. It's fine, he said. This did make me rethink things about you but I'm a better way, he said. How is this, he said pointing at me crying over a couch.

How is this good? He smiled. U can see you care deeply about these kids. Most parents lash out and punish them and maybe worst.

But you told him calmly well some yelling but calmly how serious this was. And just hugged him. Even when he started to melt down you still held him.

It reminded me of something my father never did, he said. So hopefully if I possibly interested you. Maybe we can try another date this Saturday, he asked.

Appa eyes sparkled. Yes that would be nice actually, he said. They heard a scream. Imma let you handle that I'll see you at work Jin, he said. See you Jackson, appa said as he shut the door.

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