81 T+H

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This chapter will show how how our favorite side couple came to be😸 this will start in freshman year for all of senior, and is a continuation (extremely long chapter)

Hoseok pov:

Today will mark my second year in school, I said! Congrats Hobi I'm sure being homeschool sucked, Soobin said. I wouldn't say it did it was actually decent, I said. It was way better cause I didn't have many clothes so I got to be in pj's a lot, I said.

Sounds like fun imagine if we could do that everyday here, he said. Soobin, someone called!

Oh Yeonjun over here, Soobin called out! Once he reached over Soobin went in for a hug but Yeonjun backed up.

Hey hey remember people will get the wrong idea, he chuckled. Oh right my bad, Soobin said. Guess what y'all, Yeonjun said.

What's up, I asked? I heard we're getting a new kid. It's a month into school only though, I said. Yeah kinda weird but who cares, he's gonna be in our homeroom though, Yeonjun said.

I hope he's cool I need more friends, I said. You have plenty already, Soobin said. They whole school is basically your friend. Yeah but another wouldn't hurt, I said.

Just then the teacher walked in and settled us down. Good morning class today we have a new kid, she said. He comes from a different part of Korea so please be nice to him.

You can come in, she said. Just then a boy with hair that covered his eyes walked in. He was tall and wore a mask and a basic green sweater.

Hello, he said. My name is Kim Taehyung glad to be here. He then sat down in the middle row where a seat was opened.

That's interesting, Yeonjun said. Why does he have a mask on? Maybe he has acne and doesn't wanna show, Soobin said.

Or maybe he's sick, I said. Who cares we should try and talk to him anyways!

Just then someone walked to him but he never responded. I don't think he wants friends, Soobin said. Nonsense when it comes to me everyone talks, Hobi said.

That is true, Yeonjun said. Just then I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He looked up at me or I hope he was looking at me. I couldn't tell what he looked like.

Good morning Taehyung, I said. My name is Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hobi, I said.

I'm glad you were out in our class it's really fun in here, I said. Is it, he said? Well of course and it got better cause a new person is here, I said!

He nodded his head. That's actually pretty nice, he said. After talking with him for a while he seemed nice and actually enjoyable.

For a while now I started sitting with him in all my classes and we got closer. I still never even saw his face though but I didn't care. His personality was amazing.

A few months into knowing him I felt closer with him. But I was to nervous to ever even think on it. But sooner or later I felt like I was developing a crush on him. He was perfect to me.

And was so sweet and himself.

Hobi Hobi, Soobin called out! I woke up from my train if thoughts. Oh my bad, I said. Who were you looking at like that, Yeonjun said. Was it her over there, he said.

Understandable she's very pretty if you wanna ask her out you should, he said. I'm not looking at her, I said.

Then who else, Soobin said. I think, I think I like Taehyung, I said smiling at him. A boy, Yeonjun whispered!?

Yeah so what, I said. No no nothing at all I just didn't know you liked guys, Yeonjun said. Trust me that's the last thing I'll worry about, he said.

But you like Taehyungie, he squeeled! Yeah I do, I said. He's just so perfect. You never seen his face though no one has, Soobin said.

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